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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. The name and the planes.
  2. Sometimes judgement gets clouded by get-there-itouse.
  3. The thing is if you want people to wait for the investigation results they need to be accessable otherwise it is a silly request.
  4. What investigation Ross? The police one which is kept secret?
  5. And there lies the problem we don't get the result of the investigation.
  6. Once things go a bit dark it is too late.
  7. Maybe but I would like to know why accidents occur not just things RAAus think we need to know. If it is pilot error we can still learn from others mistakes.
  8. Some people put a Artificial Horizon in their plane in case they might need it one day. I think if you don't have one you remove the temptation to push on when you shouldn't. Of course different if you are current IFR and have the correct equiped plane.
  9. I live a bit East of the probable track that flight would have been. On that morning. I looked out of the window at the rain squalls and cloud and said to myself you would't want to be flying anywhere in that. I have had a few frights in bad weather and I am now more cautious than some.
  10. I Some astounding posts that occur on forums.
  11. Gee I hope this turns better than it looks right now.
  12. Good for you, you have your opinion I have mine. How you know what people saw is your business.
  13. No not trying to tell you anything that would be a waste of my time.
  14. If you weren't there and did not see it for yourself how can you be sure what happened? Same goes for a heap of things Port Arther, 9/11, JFK, believing something just because it was on TV is silly.
  15. I was told yesterday the plane in that crash was a Tecnam.
  16. It happens way too often Phil and the human factors stuff was supposed to be the answer but......
  17. That is not my view and not what I said.
  18. I never said they were not. My comments were about personal preferences which hopefully are still allowed. --edited.mod.
  19. I landed a Chinook ultralight on one wing to avoid hitting a ditch one time. This resulted in one complete cartwheel and the plane came to rest facing the direction it had been travelling. There was a fair bit of damage to the plane but I did not get a scratch.
  20. I am never getting in a trike again they don't look right to me and the risk of some idiot causing a tuck and tumble with you in it does not bear thinking about. I personally have seen a trike instructor doing steep turns, what appeared to be loops except they were slightly off to one side ( not quite right over the top) but certainly breaking all the rules mentioned in earlier posts.
  21. If you can hold a slide in a car and have the gift of the gab that would be a start.
  22. OK Bex I get your drift with this and concede you have some valid points, I have issues with the greed that has been around and some attitudes where debt is fine and money grows on trees. To me the irresponsible economic vandalism that is going on is going to end up in another depression.
  23. Yes I watch some TV not sports though and only free to air still don't think Clarkson is worth $1,000,000 per episode. Obviously most others do not agree with me which really does not worry me in the slightest. No argument from me on that Phil just a long list of inconsistencies that exist. The CEO of Lehman Brothers gave himself $300,000,000 in bonuses leading up to the GFC, and then when the bank collapsed expected to be bailed out by the tax payer. If the general public are stupid enough to cop this rubbish then they deserve what ever they get.
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