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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Yes I have seen it before, inbred idiots.
  2. Upside down in a trike? Scary! Dunno how that could be survivable.
  3. The Easter bunny is not real.
  4. Really? in a confined space at close range?
  5. It appears to be be a crime to have an opinion different to what we are told on TV and what the average sheep on the street thinks.
  6. Really, funny you mention that, the story we are told about Martin Bryant and the Port Arthur murders almost all were head shots.
  7. Good for you, I think him and many others in the entertainment industry are over paid. If people want to be a bunch of sheep and support that then so be it, I don't have to agree with it.
  8. Until he hits someone and gets belted back. Not sure Russia will suit an over paid ratbag.
  9. That is a novel idea, but probably would not work, tail heavy spin and crash.
  10. What a great idea let terrorists fly planes.
  11. Even if you put a security guard up the front someone hell bent on doing something would find a way to kill everybody the only safe way is to avoid getting on one in the first place.
  12. You would think so but apparently not.
  13. Er probably what he has seen and heard.
  14. Yes Phil you must feel so lucky to receive such knowledgeable advice.
  15. Excellent advice there, I get very annoyed with people just poke the nose down and let the airspeed wind up when descending.
  16. Btw have you considered how smart it is to put questions to someone who cannot answer?
  17. I agreed with some things acro said, things like the sheep mentality which I think is alive and well as is shown by recent posts.
  18. Yes fairly confident it is true it was on the news showing the person in question, don't forget when you take stupid risks you can put others at risk and tie up essential services which have to be funded.
  19. It has already happened. Some one had an accident called the ambulance, cops came as well land booked him for drink driving on his own property.
  20. Yeah well some of these things are quite convincing.
  21. And there goes the reason why sometimes we don't find out what really happened. And why it might be possible to hide an airliner.
  22. There are some things that do not happen the way we are told or saw on TV. If anybody speaks out about it they are branded as loopy conspiracy theorists and ridiculed. I have heard airline pilots say the story about the jet that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon during 9/11 is far fetched.
  23. Yeah yeah just another LL.
  24. Wow what a racist thing to say, the thought police will be knocking on your door any moment.
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