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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Wait up changed my mind a space shuttle would be even more fun.
  2. Mmm what a good thread I'd like to get a 747 and register it as an ultralight.
  3. Yes I do and in an unimaginative, black and white sense I understand your point. When you work as a instructor you get to fly other peoples aircraft which you have no way of knowing the real history of the aircraft. Out of around 20 engine failures I can only think of one which was the fault of the engine itself and that was with a four stroke. The majority of failures have been caused by maintenance and or installation issues. I avoid Jabirus.
  4. I don't know what happened to these two pilots but I have flown lots of two strokes, operated correctly they are as good as a four strokes, had plenty of engine failures both two and four stroke, never felt the need for a BRS. To me the best way is to fly safe and practice glide approaches.
  5. I find these unexplained prangs quite off putting, they make me feel our sort of flying is dangerous.
  6. I don't know what to make of that.
  7. Not my area of expertise but shouldn't that aircraft have the ability to stay in the air on one engine? or was it an unfeathered prop the problem?
  8. And by protecting idiots from themselves you end up with more of them and they breed and vote.
  9. I only mentioned the multiple flights in response to someone's post about more than one pax in a C150. My guess is this person is one of those type that will eliminate themselves what ever happens, the Darwin Theory at work.
  10. If you read it properly you will see they did more than one flight.
  11. I thought he was unlicensed and unregistered.
  12. How do you train someone not to fly in bad weather in low light? Is there a suggestion there are pilots who do not understand these things?
  13. I don't agree with that you cannot train common sense into people any more than you can do it with a human factors course. Some people will choose to take themselves out of the equation and there is nothing you can do about it.
  14. I don't know why people do these things probably because they are not perfect and I reckon anybody who has done a lot of flying and thinks they have all the answers should give it away.
  15. How much light would you guys have at 8 pm?
  16. I know some one who had a wing fall off a Winton Grasshopper on late final, no sure how high maybe 50 ft, and he survived.
  17. I think the main problem was the retracts. Yes trying to save the plane can be deadly. Not blaming the pilot he had a lot to deal with but maybe others can gain from the whole sad event. I had a Thruster which went pitch unstable, I thought our number was up.
  18. You had a parachute?
  19. The way I read it the gear malfunctioned and the pilot may have been trying to assist it with a steep bank at slow speed, which is not what you would do if you thought you had a control problem. I don't want to continue this, I have experienced a control problem in flight and thought this was an ideal occasion to reinforce the importance of flying the plane when things go wrong in the cockpit.
  20. I am not criticizing the pilot just passing an opinion based on the information at hand and no not a simple engine out situation. No we have no way of knowing the C of G position but we do know the aircraft was flying. If the C of G is out usually the pilot can feel it, just more reason not to get too slow. I made that post in hope that it might help someone else avoid the same fate.
  21. I understand what you are saying and agree with most of it, but the unflyable part, as far as I could tell it was a stall spin accident. For me the first priority is fly the plane, in that report I did not see anything that meant a wheels up emergency landing could not have been attempted.
  22. When I said everyone I did not mean everyone on the planet but rather everyone who was around at the time who had an interest and understanding of these things. If you build an all metal warbird replica with a V6 car engine with retracts, variable speed prop etc it will weigh more than 544 kg mtow.
  23. Everybody knew those aircraft were over weight there is a lot more to this story than what was in that report. I can't prove anything but to pile blame on Mike O'Sullivan is most likely unfair.
  24. So AJ reckons CN is a liar, wow that is one for the books a politician telling a lie, how outrageous, it would never happen with the ALP.
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