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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Good luck trying to get someone to take you seriously with your next post Keith.
  2. Keith if you cannot explain what you are talking about there is no point in starting the thread.
  3. That sounds hard to believe to me, small drones have to be close before you can see them, I would have thought the chances of spotting one from the cockpit of a passenger jet on final at 700 feet at approach speed would be extremely remote.
  4. I have survived more than 20 forced landings, it is nice when it works but there are no guarentees.
  5. Yeah that's what the fuss is about, sometimes a bit too quiet.
  6. What about the ingrown toe nail?
  7. OK 7500 it should have been. I don't use a GPS.
  8. Sounds like you were having a bad hair day.
  9. Yes, 7500 or 6500 depending on which direction he was going. Richard.
  10. Mmm is that where you should be?
  11. Yep that is correct.
  12. Nah should be 700,000 kg so we can have multiple jet engines.
  13. Thanks for posting that guys, I enjoyed it.
  14. I thought this was regarded as off topic. Maybe we need a new thread?
  15. I am no expert on this but I thought most piston engine twins were not good on one engine and struggle just to maintain height, I can think of two crashes where everyone died where the pilot tried to make it home on one engine.
  16. And there lies the problem. News flash the AUF was not supposed to reinvent the GA wheel you guys should have GA licences.
  17. I thought the one that hit the Ferris wheel was.
  18. It has been suggested some pilots not coping with engine failures could be a reason for the draft proposal for Jabiru aircraft. Please don't say the fatalities have not been in Jabiru aircraft as it really is not the point.
  19. But it does show pilots not coping with engine failures.
  20. What about people who continued to buy Jabirus when the issues were well known whose fault is that? How was RAAus negligent?
  21. And CASA or RAAus shouldn't be blamed for Jabiru issues.
  22. If you think that then don't blame CASA or anybody for not wanting Jab pilots taking unsuspecting passengers, flying over built up areas or students going solo in them.
  23. I don't think they want that.
  24. I think over the years they have had a lot of tax payer money.
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