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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. I would be amazed if that comment was correct in regard to the reason for actions taken by CASA.
  2. I saw a Storm aircraft, I think it was, which had a 6 cylinder Jabiru motor in it which had 'powered by denial' written on the engine cowl.
  3. And there lies the problem, if people buy them, knowing the issues then it is their own fault and what incentive has the factory got to change anything?
  4. Yes right up to the time you don't need them any more.
  5. Partly true as I understand it, it was fuel starvation, but there was significant fuel left in the wing tank to continue the intended flight.
  6. Yes about as sure as I can be.
  7. Yes it did happen and one crashed recently.
  8. A bit hard to know what happened I think there will be stuff we don't know about. I thought he changed his mind about which runway to land on.
  9. I hope they find out what happened.
  10. I don't like the look of the launch plane that looks like two planes joined at the wing tips, I don't get how it even holds together.
  11. I use a metal drum on wheels with a rotary hand pump, there is a filter and a fuel hose with a metal nozzle and an earth wire from the drum to the aircraft.
  12. The news last night showed an XT 912 trike, a black plastic funnel and jerry can and the pilot was reported to be in a critical condition. They are now saying it happened at Maryborough.
  13. If that is the case that would be a real worry.
  14. It was reported on the news last night a trike caught fire during refueling at Hervey Bay airport and a person was in hospital with burns.
  15. The terror alert should be increased to extreme.
  16. Thanks all the same but not my expert. I was just trying to point out some of the short comings I have encountered with gliding operations in various locations. I do not see how any problems can be rectified unless first they are recognised. Richard.
  17. The story went like this..... if you let the plane drift with the cross wind. if the cable breaks, and you want to should turn back you will be turning into the wind. The story went like this..... if you are landing towards the North and you have a cross wind from the West and you do a right hand circuit you will avoid having tail wind on base leg and the tendency of being too high, too fast and over shooting final. And there lies the problem!! Wrong!! Sail boats can tack because they have keel in the water it will not work with aircraft anybody who thinks it will simply does not understand how an aircraft flies. Yes about as sure as I can be the tacking guy is happy to tell anybody who will listen about that one, and the worry is there are some who cannot determine if it is correct or not. The non laying off drift boy is someone I have known for years.
  18. Not correct, just what some of them do. Also not true, I have not seen enough facts to make a judgement of any kind, I was merely commenting on a previous post where the comment was made the plane on final should have landed to the right of the one being winched.
  19. I have been told some glider pilots do not hold the centre line during winching and allow the aircraft to drift with the cross wind, cross wind from the left and the plane landing has a problem landing to the right. I was doing some air work with a glider pilot recently who decided to do a right hand circuit because there was a cross wind
  20. I can quote quite a few things about glider ops which I felt were unsatisfactory and use of the radio is right up there. I felt airmanship and training standards were unsatisfactory. I have had incidents involving glider ops at Caboolture and Boonah and problems with lack of competency at other locations. Stuff like an instructor who thinks you can tack like a sail boat when there is a head wind and another guy who reckons you cannot lay off drift in a glider because there is no engine to pull the nose around. And these people were NOT pulling my leg. Richard.
  21. And there are those who think we should model ourselves on the operations of the GFA.
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