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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Yep that is the question.
  2. I have only seen hay bales held together with twine, so might be best to use double thickness for this job.
  3. Yep I think so, I would be worried the engine might rip itself off the plane and that would be the end then.
  4. Thread drift happens all the time.
  5. Maybe we are all on the same page with this, what I am trying to say is I doubt if many instructors would be able to do trips way out west as it would not be practicable.
  6. This might be hard to achieve but the Birdsville races might be the shot. I have flown around Roma, Charleville, Dalby, Tara and Broken Hill and found plenty of land marks.
  7. VFR navigation is done by using land marks, WACs feature land marks. It is up to the instructor to choose an appropriate area which is not in the students back yard for training. There are way too many people who do not use land marks and use a GPS instead and every so often they come unstuck. To say not using land marks for VFR navigation is best is stupid as that is exactly how it is supposed to be done.
  8. I think the point is the usual load of dribble.
  9. What would be the point in having a WAC if you are not using land marks?
  10. Really? VFR navigation without land marks?
  11. Yes there are some aircraft that don't glide so well I am talking about types that do, but even in a Pitts if you don't have a plan for when the engine stops you are living dangerously.
  12. So true.
  13. The best way is to aim to be slightly high at the thresh hold and when you are sure you will make it loose the excess height with flap or side slip.
  14. This is why practicing glide approaches is a good idea but there are so many who do not do it.
  15. I know what it looks like but assumptions are the mother of all foul ups.
  16. I thought it was CASA trying to enforce the SMS for each school not RAAus.
  17. Jabiru, Warrior, PA28, V115, AA5B, C210
  18. Yeah and another one of your training wheels fell off with the usual the flat on its back inverted result.
  19. Yes, I usually do it what ever the wind is, except with training where it is a requirement to teach both wheelers and 3 pointers..
  20. Yes you maybe right in the film they three pointed the Steerman, which in my opinion is the best way.
  21. The manual for the Lightwing I fly states not to take off or land with any more than 10 knots of crosswind but it can handle double that amount.
  22. It looked like there was with the plane up on one main wheel, hard to believe the pilot tried to turn off the strip at that speed that would almost guarantee a ground loop.
  23. Yeah like 747s have got anything to do with this.
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