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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Anyone doing the wrong thing with a drone should have the book thrown at them. What's going on at Gatwick should be regarded as an act of terror.
  2. A Savannah is stol but it could not make the turn this guy tried to do.
  3. Maybe but I wouldn't try it I would have gone straight ahead and slightly to the left to the waters edge. Might wreck the plane but less impact.
  4. Watched the video taken from inside the plane. Here is my thoughts a 180 degree turn from that height with out power was not achievable. I had thought the turn must have been attempted because there was no other option but the video appears to show that is not the case. The plane was flying low over the water and not in the best position to be checking the beach sand surface. The plane was being flown in a manner as though an engine failure was not possible. He was trying to defend the indefensible.
  5. I will make sure I see that tonight how this person thinks he can clear their names is hard to imagine after the cowboy outfit they ran.
  6. When would full left rudder trim normally be used? When the RH engine is stopped?
  7. I thought the amount of talking the pilot did on the radio when he could have been flying the plane was a problem. How were all those maydays going to help in that situation?
  8. I thought an example of what not to do lucky not to stall during the go around. After rotation stay in ground effect till some speed is built up.
  9. If I was that guy I would buy a lotto ticket.
  10. I was told by a ex Mustang pilot in those days it was a court marshall if you did a out landing with the gear down. I thought it was more good luck than good management that paddock was there when he couldn't make the turn onto final.That said he did well to abandon trying to make the strip that was not going to end well. I reckon 8 out of 10 for that effort.
  11. Some good points made there which could explain a few things.
  12. I don't understand why it was going so slow it nearly stalled when they pulled up to make the turn. Absolute madness could only end one way.
  13. Who wanted to blow up parliament house? Guy someone? Probably the way to go?
  14. A friend of mine is currently building one are you on Facebook?
  15. Yes low inertia high drag has to be flown accordingly.
  16. I have read they stop quickly when power is reduced to.
  17. Yes but my point is this idiot was capable of taking off and landing a tail wheel RV 6.
  18. Wow you sure don't have to be clever to fly a plane.
  19. Nothing wrong with 2 strokes, the real issue here is people should not die when the motor stops.
  20. If he had his pilot cert and was trained to fly that type of aircraft you would be correct. He could do his solo xcountry flying in that 95.10 in fact but this did not read that way.
  21. No I don't know about the pilot except he is now deceased and appears to have been training in a 95.10. I would be astounded if that was legal. I think it has already been pointed out on this thread it is not.
  22. If that was a legal flight that would mean the the rules have changed because it certainly was not legal years ago. I have not been able to find the paperwork stating this. In my view if that was a legal flight RAAus has a serious problem.
  23. RAAus do not approve of these forums and rarely partisipate. I saw on the news a photo of the student standing in front of a Jabiru if he trained in that and then did solo flying in a single seat Flightstar then that could cause the accident. Way too many people don't realize the difference between those two types of aircraft.
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