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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Yes that is interfering with the Darwin theory. Yes that is what I meant. Yes again I agree I have to admit I do not make a habit of running my fuel supply down to 15 litres.
  2. Probably not possible. Why? I would have thought if it was possible smart people may want to fly it as well. Why do you think they put nose wheels on aircraft? Many aircraft with wing tanks drain one tank faster than the other but they normally do not suffer from fuel exhaustion with 15 litres left in the tank unless you do prolonged side slipping when nearly empty.
  3. I have asked for permission to give more details about the most recent crash, hopefully it will be today.
  4. I was talking to the pilot today the prang happened yesterday the details are as reported to me by the pilot. I did not get or ask for permission to make the identity of the pilot or owner of the aircraft public but it certainly happened. It has been stated in this thread the Brisbane prang did not run out of fuel and I am sure I remember someone saying one tank was empty. You guys are clutching at straws.
  5. This is 2 prangs we are talking about.
  6. Don't know but a plane that is difficult to check the fuel with and relying on what the last guy reckons they put in tank is unacceptable to me.
  7. I was talking to someone today who seems to have had a similar problem. A Jabiru has crashed after fuel starvation which stopped the motor and still had fuel in one tank and should have had sufficient fuel for the flight.
  8. People should have thought of that before they decided to go down the GA Mk 2 on an ultralight certificate road.
  9. I thought he had retired?
  10. That now is major problem that has to be addressed.
  11. I am not a Jabiru expert but from what I can gather Jabiru engines need more attention than some others, and it needs to be carried out by people with specific Jabiru knowledge and even then I think I would feel safer with a properly maintained Rotax two stroke. For that reason I would not buy one and avoid flying one which is a choice we all have. No and I doubt if Jabiru would recommend that either as it would require the heads to be removed. This not an unusual practice during an engine rebuild. Probably to check the tappets on solid lifter motors. I don't think so, that's how the term Jab basher came about. What do you suggest be done about it David? Ground them all? Not a problem for me but... Who has caused these problems? Easy to blame Rod Stiff or the factory or RAAus but then the Jabiru prangs should be no secret and people still buy them, so who is really causing the problem?
  12. We have a system designed for different times where anybody who buys an aircraft automatically becomes a L1 maintainer regardless of their ability and can take unsuspecting passengers flying.
  13. I would never fly over a built up area in one, but to be fair it should be established what caused the event, how it is being maintained and those sort of details.
  14. Yep that's part of it.
  15. For me it would depend on who had been using and maintaining the 912, I have had one stop on me. I don't feel safe without having some sort of emergency landing option.
  16. I agree I should not have had to spell that out, it follows on from a comment made about post 257. It seems some people do not understand the differences between RAAus and GA.
  17. Maybe but which one do you think is most likely to have an engine failure a Cessna or a Jabiru?
  18. Flying RAAus aircraft over built up areas where there is no emergency landing area available is an unsafe practice.
  19. Yep no cable wires instead, gearbox part is working, got to get around to pulling the dial out of the dash next.
  20. The speedo doesn't work in my Jackaroo.
  21. Cold air cannot contain as much moisture as warm air, all you need for carburetor ice is moisture in the air the ambient temperature being cold is not an indicator of possible carburetor ice.
  22. Cold air cannot contain as much moisture as warm air, all you need for carburetor ice is moisture in the air the ambient temperature being cold is not an indicator of possible carburetor ice.
  23. Cold air cannot contain as much moisture as warm air, all you need for carburetor ice is moisture in the air the ambient temperature being cold is not an indicator of possible carburetor ice.
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