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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Yes a possibility but the 'early morning cool temperature' does not make it any more likely.
  2. Good reasons not to be there. They might have gotten away with it this time but.....
  3. Really? you can't work that out? Probably those awful Americans.
  4. Yes I agree but not everybody does. Some time ago I started a thread about steering on final with rudder and was surprised at how many people thought that was a good idea and it is being taught in some flying schools.
  5. Yep quite true but that was not the question.
  6. When the manufacturer is able to do the certification themselves, isn't that like putting the fox in charge of the hen house? Is the manufacturer required to have any qualifications to produce certified LSA aircraft?
  7. Not sure you can blame him if you want to insinuate this is the fault of the US.
  8. Hi Russ just being helpful here as you may already know this but what you meant there was ground speed (GS). Richard.
  9. That would be great but I wonder do they have the resources to do that?
  10. I don't think education is the problem, I feel sure the pilot would have known he should not be doing that activity, you cannot protect people from them selves. This type of accident will happen again. Blaming RAAus is stupid. All we can do is learn from this and try to encourage responsible behavior.
  11. The problem here was the PIC, even if he was reported it is most likely nothing would be done about it. Try reporting something illegal and see what happens. Illegal dangerous things go on all the time in aviation and we have a anti dobbing attitude where the messenger gets shot. These sort of things happen because people are stupid and you cannot change that.
  12. I thought the ATSB did not investigate RAAus accidents?
  13. Rubbish, what makes you think someone implying instructors are poor pilots and can't fly is appropriate?
  14. It doesn't matter who said it does not make it correct. There are many sayings that are not correct 'you can't judge a book by it's cover' and so on. Quite often they contradict each other. That saying about teaching might apply in some areas but does not with this. If you knew what you are talking about you would know there are many capable pilots who are instructors.
  15. Identity theft?
  16. It's about the biggest back flip ever known, probably should call him back flip boy. Not that I disagree with what he has said.
  17. What's happened to you?
  18. There has been plenty of negativity someone reckoned the whole board should be sacked not long ago. We have a number of people who do nothing but criticize who reckon they should not have to communicate with their area rep. Silly notions like rule making should be done by the membership and not the board.
  19. Yeah you can but it won't be legal.
  20. I think people should participate and work with the system we have. Sacking the whole board sounds like madness to me. Being a volunteer Area Rep must be a very thankless job, no wonder they don't take forums seriously. It is so easy to be critical about things. How much input do you think GA pilots have about the rules CASA makes?
  21. And that is the problem. His phone number is in the magazine. The ball is in your court.
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