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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. I stopped test flying aircraft because of the standard of maintenance that was evident on L1 maintained aircraft. The system where someone buys an aircraft and automatically becomes an L1 and can take unsuspecting people flying in their aircraft is not good or sustainable in my opinion. I am not aware of problems with L2s but there will be some as storchy can verify and that one is a lame as well. I spoke to Darren Barnfield about this and got the impression that the 4x 100 hourlies/annuls per 2 years was a guide and could be replaced by other work. The message I got was RAAus maintenance has to be seen to be of a certain standard or we have a problem, which is hard to argue with.
  2. I have not checked for myself but was told there were three suitable aerodromes where they could have landed on York Peninsular.
  3. Yes they did get shut down but it should have been so much more than that, it was all about money and convenience above safety.
  4. Yep Whyalla Airlines had a Piper Chieftain lose power on one engine, the pilot tried to continue the flight from Adelaide to Whyalla on the engine still running but it failed due to the extra load and the plane ended up in Spencer Gulf. All eight people on board died including two of my old school friends. The sad part was when the first engine quit the aircraft was over York Peninsular and could have been landed safely, but due to various pressures the pilot felt compelled to continue on to Whyalla.
  5. Yep twice as much.
  6. No because we are supposed to be affordable flying not GA Mk2.
  7. I am not jumping to conclusions we were discussing if an engine has to have something wrong with it in order to fail, not necessarily this engine.
  8. OK maybe it comes down to a play on words but an engine with nothing wrong with it can fail, quite a common one, out of fuel.
  9. Nope they can fail for a lot of other reasons.
  10. Someone has a theory in this thread as to why there has been no debris, which could explain it all.
  11. I think there will be more to this than we are told, as per usual. The search might be something just to appear to be doing something, right? Is there anybody happy with the way our taxes are spent?
  12. Great priorities our fearless leaders have.
  13. Yes and he is not the only one. Probably because they think it goes fast and if necessary can land all by itself on a dime. I would not ever get in one.
  14. There have been some inappropriate comments about the missing passenger jet which I thought would have been more of a concern.
  15. Yes I knew one guy who had one on his trike so he could fly over any sort of terrain and would not have to worry about having to do an emergency landing if the noise stops. These guys don't seem to consider the possibility of coming down on something uncomfortable like a spike in the wrong place.
  16. Yeah funny the things people say .......The pilot then deployed a parachute attached to the back of the plane before managing to land it in the yard, avoiding nearby homes and large power lines. Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/plane-crash-in-the-blue-mountains-report-20140510-zr8uc.html#ixzz31I5KX1P6
  17. Maybe shooting an airliner down might be bad PR?
  18. Yeah and less likely to go through 2 fences. Best way is is to dump the nose wheel, get a tail wheel and do 3 pointers.
  19. I just hope it will not be another LSA involved in legal action.
  20. Thank you to the woman who got the pilot out safely.
  21. Exactly, rather than spend money on us shutting us down might be the preferred option.
  22. I suspect you are right about that bit at least Keith. I would like to know what aircraft are involved in the pending court cases.
  23. You may be right Geoff, but I was a bit over 30 when I started flying in 1986 and I could afford to. I became an instructor and many people I introduced to ultralight flying were young and it was affordable to them. Now we are all getting old and the cycle is not continuing. How would someone get started in basic lower cost affordable aviation now? How is RAAus supposed to survive without new blood coming up through the ranks? It is common to see aircraft such as Thrusters ridiculed on these forums. The supporters of LSA are only thinking of themselves and their immediate desires.
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