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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Good luck with that.
  2. If people are unable to understand what was in post 215, then it is no real surprise they do not understand what is happening to RAAus. How bad do things need to get before the penny will drop?
  3. Don you need to read my post again, I agree mostly with what you say, although there is at least one person who is now a board member who has pushed for this to happen. The members have done this to themselves. No where did I state it is a requirement our our association.
  4. I do not think asking for tax payer hand outs will work or will be the answer. The members wanted to move away from affordable aircraft to what we have now and this is the result. RAAus has priced it self out of business. Most young people paying off a house and raising a family will not be able to afford what RAAus now has to offer. There have been plenty of warnings about this but they have been largely ignored.
  5. Wonder if the guys with guns surrounding the plane realise they could shoot each other?
  6. OK this is the way I remember it. When I started flying, in about 1986 I think, I thought we were allowed to go to 500 ft and there was no restriction on crossing roads 500 ft was a bit low but that was a bit rubbery, whats a few hundred ft between friends? but it really was not that bad in those type of planes. Then we could go to 5000 ft and all was pretty OK and most of the ultralighters were happy with that and we had no real problems like we have now. Then we started to get ex GA pilots who no longer could pass their medicals these guys generally were not happy with what we had and wanted to go higher faster and heavier, as they would being ex GA. Still things were fairly OK up to about 2006 but we were getting more and more GA like aircraft, Sting, Sabre, Lightwing Speed, Spitfire, Lightning and numerous others. Since then there has been problems, the Sting crash, Lightwing in the drink near Sydney, the infamous Ferris wheel incident and so on with the threat of litigation. We have had C 150s, Piper Colts and V8 Spitfires inappropriately registered as ultralights. I have given up worrying about it all but I see little point in pretending these things have not happened and the AUF was not hi-jacked.
  7. Hi there Storchy I have been thinking about what happened to you and your plane. It sure was a lousy deal I would be really p!ssed off as well. The level 2 is a maintainer and not necessarily a crash repairer. Part of the responsibility of a L2 is not to take on work you cannot properly do. Over the years I have noted crash repairs where the aircraft were sent back to the manufacturers like Jabiru, Lightwing and Drifter and I had not heard of too many complaints. Now with so many imported aircraft the situation is different and what happened to you should be a warning to anybody thinking of buying or already owning an imported RAAus aircraft. You may think having you plane insured means it is secure but this appears to be an example how that may not be the case. Richard.
  8. Good effort thanks for that.
  9. Yes but at least you are not one of the sheep.
  10. Yeah so hard to tell the difference. Who is the OP? I would not blame anyone for being annoyed with this situation. The AUF was formed for people who wanted affordable flying and 100 hourlies and all the rest of the stuff we have coming were not part of the equation.
  11. Yes but you are in the minority David.
  12. No, but if they had of been they would have been more likely to not need to go around in the first place. In the event of a go around they would have been more likely to be able to out climb the Ferris wheel. If all that failed it would have been far more likely they would be able to see the Ferris wheel before they hit it and therefore be able to avoid it. Gee what a great idea LSA and the rest of the crap is.
  13. I don't know, probably about 1300 nm. I did not spend $400 at Bunnings or anywhere else. I was just saying the reason why I did not go which was not Casa, RAAus, negative stuff, this forum or any other reason. You may well find that I am not the only one. Positive thinking is great but realistic is also important.
  14. For me it is too far to go and I can not justify the cost in view of the economic uncertainty I see all around us.
  15. I thought Keith was saying people reckoned it could not be in Qld because that would be too far away, but even at Temora some close people do not attend.
  16. And we would not have carbon tax ...... looks like you can't believe what you are told.
  17. I given up worrying about it, it's what the members wanted, they did it to themselves. I was just one of the lucky ones to see what I considered to be the best days of ultralight flying.
  18. Yes and the warnings about this have been on this forum for quite some time but still we continued on.
  19. Yeah I hope so too, at least your kid is buying their house at much better time than those poor buggas who bought during 2006, 2007 and 2008.
  20. Yep that is Wall Street for you and it is totally corrupt and they get away with it, does not mean lawyers suing willy nilly are suddenly OK. By the way Wall Street is not the only cause of financial problems, in 2006 I was telling people our over heated real estate market was not sustainable and guess what? No one believed me. We still have not recovered from the GFC what the Government at the time did was nothing more than a band aid which prolonged the inevitable and put us badly in debt. No one has addressed what caused the situation in the first place. If you don't believe me just watch what happens in the next five years.
  21. Not wanting to start a race riot here, I was simply stating the facts as I understood them.
  22. All true but a punch in the face is not justified, just think yourself lucky you are smart enough not to do it yourself.
  23. I haven't got time to do think much about that one and what would be the point? I could come up with some ideas and what good would that do I would just be wasting my time. Maybe if some of our judges and lawyers took a punch in the face things might be different.
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