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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. It was on TV and the victim was trying to explain how he was punched in the face in an unprovoked attack, but it was made difficult with what appeared to be at least 4 teeth missing. A couple of months ago my son was bashed by a group of aborigines and had to have plastic surgery. Our judges appear hand out sentences that are not a deterrent and correct me if I am wrong where do judges come from? ex lawyers? How anybody could think our current system is adequate is one of lifes mysteries.
  2. When you get a tail wheel endorsement that is just the start, with cross winds build up slowly 5 kts then 10 then 15, and 20. With planes start with easy types and advance from there. Anything that sits on the ground with a high angle of attack and a narrow track, like a Skyfox is not likely to be easy with ground handling.
  3. On the news recently a taxi driver was was having a smoke break in the early hours of the morning when someone who had been refused entry into a night club came along and smacked him in the face. This guy is now without a number of teeth and like he said, in court there will be a lawyer defending the attacker. This sort of stuff is now a nation wide problem.
  4. I reckon there is every chance you could be right about that.
  5. Yeah and don't forget the 'big end of town' they are the badest of them all.
  6. Like everybody else you are entitled to your opinion some of it I do not agree with as I am entitled to as well. This stuff comes up on here with monotonous regularity and is a pain in the butt. I must remember to ignore the loony left.
  7. The BBC sounds worse than the ABC. The ABC is way too far left of centre for a tax payer funded organisation. As you can see that suits all our red-raggers who are only interested pedaling their own version of things.
  8. Left wingers like the ABC, no prizes for guessing why.
  9. Yeah funny one, as if the ABC is unbiased or reliable.
  10. I am not sure of the details but I think longer grass might have been a factor with at least one flip. You would want to be real careful using the brakes if the tail is not on the ground in my opinion. Each to their own with which landing to do but wheelers have resulted in quite a few flip overs with Skyfoxes. I like mine because I find it a challenge.
  11. I almost always do 3 pointers even in the Skyfox and Thruster which some reckon you should not do. I know someone who has owned a Skyfox for many years who was taught to do wheelers, in the last few years he has tipped it on its back twice.
  12. Yes strange concept I would have thought that setup would be even more prone to ground looping than the conventional taildrager.
  13. I think you might be missing the point Yenn, I took it as Andy was saying in this day and age a passenger jet should not be able to simply disappear.
  14. Yep and that is if it is even there. The families of the passengers are not buying that story. Correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't it have to have been flown under the radar to get there or anywhere else?
  15. Wonder why they didn't put the tail wheel at the back? How are you supposed to land that? Wheelers only?
  16. Ooops! SNAFU!
  17. No problem a seemingly insignificant thing like that can turn out to be more of an issue than one would imagine. Richard.
  18. That might be PIOs which I think gyro pilots should be careful about.
  19. From memory there was small object caught between the slide and carb body and it was unknown where the object came from.
  20. Yes but I was in the back with no tacho and did not realise. There was a student in the front. I practice glide approaches so what happened we throttled off turning base and I did not pick any change in engine noise the first red flag was we were much too high approaching the strip. We did not get into ground effect, I decided to go around which is when I realised we did not have full power. Cycling the throttle would not have helped, shutting the motor down mid final would have done the trick but we did not know what was going on at that point. Remember the student was flying the plane I only took over when things went wrong. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
  21. I didn't want to come out and say it but I am starting to think Bluey might be correct with that theory.
  22. Yes true but in that situation people tend to cling to hope however unlikely it maybe.
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