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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. I had a carburetor slide stick part way up on one carburetor on a 582 on a Drifter once and someone said that should not have been much of a problem. Well they were dead wrong about that, we were doing circuits and the first thing to happen was the plane did not want to land it just kept flying. So we ran out of strip then we had to do a go round without full power. By this time I had worked out what was going on so after struggling around the circuit with part throttle we shut the motor off and landed. Some thing so simple can make life quite difficult.
  2. Yes and their families who still do not know for sure if they are dead or not.
  3. Mmm might be on about the ops managers racking off to CASA after we train them up.
  4. Yeah real funny maybe some need to remember there is a lot of people missing.
  5. From one map I saw I got the impression it could have made it to Australia.
  6. It's not just him.
  7. The thing is people are their own worse enemy, sooner or later pilot certificates most likely will get audited, I know of a situation where a CFI is doing BFRs for pilots that I am fairly sure he is not qualified to do eg not tail wheel or 2 stroke endorsed. When this all goes wrong these guys will blame everybody but themselves.
  8. That is another angle, as far as I know for a aircraft to remain certified you are supposed to be able to get factory made parts for it.
  9. It has been known for years you can't legally modify a certified aircraft without an engineering order but people did it anyway because they thought the could get away with it and for some reason RAAus turned a blind eye to it, the real culprits are the people who did the mods and the RAA.
  10. Fairly sure 19-0000 is for over 50% home built.
  11. The reason why I can not be bothered with you is you are not being honest. Accountability has improved and we have only changed some of the reps the job is not finished. Did you bother to vote? Do you still have Gavin over there? At the EGM PM had a stack of proxies the NSW guys need to make some changes. I can't be bothered stating the obvious to you.
  12. I don't have time for this merry go round no wonder the board reps don't like posting on here.
  13. Kev most the REPs are just ordinary people like you and I and I believe even though they get some things wrong they are not out to destroy the RAA. The confidentiality agreement is there because the majority of them think it should be. That means they don't have the power to change it. Have you discussed it with any of the Reps? That is the only way you will find out about it and you can pass on your views to them. Only the members have the power to change the REPs if they don't do it whose fault is it?
  14. FT never has anything good to say about anything but himself, the ALP and illegal immigrants if you find yourself in agreement with him think again because there is a very good chance you will be wrong. If you lie down with dogs you get up with flees. The ball is in the members court with this they have to not be apathetic and participate in elections and what ever is required, that means if you have a concern you should contact a board member, you have 13 to choose from. To expect the board to do everything for you is silly, they are volunteers, as for expecting the board to change how it operates do you even know if that is with in their power? I some how doubt it.
  15. Yes I think you are correct there. I think we have some good board members now who need our support. I don't think the confidentiality agreement is still as much of a significant problem as you appear to think. When you went number 4 on the serial pest team I thought your time could be better spent.
  16. To me Kev that would be only half the truth and would be misleading and unacceptable. The answer I would expect in that situation is "Sorry but I am not able to comment on that". If anybody has evidence of anything this sort of thing happening then I am sure they would have said something. This the part you needed to understand.
  17. For me telling half truths and knowingly misleading somebody is the same as lying. If a question cannot be answered truthfully because of some agreement I expect to be told that is the case and at this stage I believe that would be the way it would happen, if I am wrong about this I will be more p!ssed than you realise. Don't you believe what Ross has said there?
  18. Yes and that's what it took to get their attention, if the members had of been less apathetic and done something about the OBC earlier on, then things may have been different. Now things are changing and the negativity displayed by you and some others is counter productive.
  19. In most dealings I think I can tell sooner or later if I am being lied to. If you are right and I am wrong then I believe I will find out and I will let you know.
  20. Yep the famous five.
  21. I just got off the phone to an area rep the confidentiality agreement does exist and is used for sensitive issues which if made public could be detrimental to the well being of RAAus. I have regularly spoken to reps and this agreement has not been an issue or caused me concern. This has all been since the aircraft registration shambles when the confidentiality agreement may have been used to cover up serious management short comings. The board has changed a lot since those days, and it has been for the better.
  22. How do you know they exist? I would have thought that would be illegal and fairly easy to prove. I have never had a rep refuse to answer a question so far.
  23. Captain, I agree with that and was under the impression the board are trying to sort out most problems, this to me is about people being apathetic and not going through the correct process of communicating with the reps and then posting crap on the forum. We probably have at least one rep who shouldn't be there but reps are voted into the position so whose fault is that? There will always be plenty of knockers and wingers what ever happens and most likely they don't even bother to do any research on who they vote for, if they even bother to vote at all. So really who has caused the problems? Richard.
  24. Who actually said that? The reps are trying to fix the problems which you would know if you bothered to find out.
  25. It's not a matter of accepting secrecy, like most people I have little choice but to work with the system we have which also goes for councils, state and federal governments and any governing body. Your the one that is dreaming.
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