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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Not in response to you I was typing when you posted that.
  2. Wow, so many stupid comments it's embarrassing, clearly you don't have to be smart to fly a plane.
  3. You are required to do 5 hours solo to get your pilot cert.
  4. What a load of nonsense.
  5. You cannot legally fly a 9510 without a pilot cert something is defiantly wrong here if it has been reported correctly.
  6. Yes once they have the pilot cert they can fly different types but they still have to have LP or HP as required. There are some who think HP should cover everything which is wrong. Any solo training prior to receiving the pilot cert has to be done in the same type of plane the dual training was done. And that was not negotiable.
  7. No not in response to your post as I agreed with what you said.
  8. I wasn't told verbally it was in writing which I may still have somewhere but I don't have time to go looking for it.
  9. I don't make the rules up just saying what they are. If you trained in a C150 do you think anyone would let you fly a Tiger Moth?
  10. On the TV there was a photo of the student in front of a Jabiru if he did dual training in that and was allowed to go solo in the Flightstar then that would be a serious problem.
  11. As a CFI I was told a student who did not yet have a pilot certificate has to do any solo flying in an aircraft the same as they had done their dual training in. And that it was not negotiable. For those who don't believe me ring the OPS manager. I find it astonishing that no one seems to know this.
  12. As an ex CFI I can promise you it is the case I don't feel the need to look through ops manual at the moment.
  13. Wrong, solo flying as a student has to be in the same plane as you trained in.
  14. I always find it hard to see a crash like this in what looks like a clear area where a survivable out landing could have been made.
  15. You can't legally fly a single seater with out a pilot certificate.
  16. There will be more to this crash than has been said.
  17. Mmm how do you do that? 30 or 40kt head wind?
  18. That is a good news story a drifter can be landed almost anywhere.
  19. You to Frank and good luck with the cyclone season we all might need it.
  20. It started with the 4th post when a joke was made about him being got by a lion after that it is quite clear what happened.
  21. Maybe Phil but even that is debatable comments were made about the accident and the excuses being made for it are so lame I am starting to wonder if there is some sort competition going on such as "The biggest idiot wins". There is such wide support for it that it is embarrassing.
  22. The 30 K bit was in regard to a silly assumption someone made about the cost of the damage, try reading properly. I agree but who did that? Don't know, if you are talking about bad taste so called "humour" that might be it. That is incorrect the unfunny attempts at humour were made before the media error was pointed out. Good for you but that is way different to a bunch of people making "jokes" about someone's misfortune that they don't even know. I wasn't going to bother to reply to this post but decided to after seeing how many people approve of this type of behaviour which I think is a sad reflection on the quality of this thread. Surely you could find something that is actually funny to make jokes about?
  23. There could easily be 30k of damage to the plane it is impossible to tell from that photo to say otherwise is an assumption based on nothing. However you could buy another one for less than that. I suggest you request the contact details so you guys can make your donations.
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