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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. I really hope the guy does not look at this thread.
  2. You are probably right but I don't get how poking fun at him is acceptable.
  3. No not me thankfully I would not find this event funny. For those who think this is funny- Forced landing not funny Inverted hanging in the seat belt not funny Release seat belt exit plane without breaking neck not funny Head injury not funny Wrecked plane not funny Pilot shock and trauma not funny I just don't see the funny side to this.
  4. Yeah you are legend in your own mind and you know nothing about me.
  5. What a bunch of d.........hs.
  6. Not sure how some think this accident is a joking matter.
  7. This appears to be a in flight break up not caused by hitting trees the wing was found 400 metres away.
  8. How could they land after the wing came off?
  9. Just saw it on the news looked as flat as it could get and not boggy or wet either. Completely ideal for a out landing how ever they said it spiraled in from 800 metres and no motor noise. As we have no idea what happened best to wait for the ATSB report.
  10. You can correct someone without calling them ignorant and BS.
  11. Pity to see a crash on what looks like a good place for a emergency landing.
  12. Yeah he might be however there are different ways of saying things. I thought he said it was inverted.
  13. It is posts like this that put people off using these forums.
  14. The aileron can cause the wing to twist near the tip which reverses the effect of the aileron. The mod is a tube between the rear and front spars held in place by a formed wrap around sheet aluminum piece at each end. This stiffens the wing and prevents the twisting effect.
  15. You need the wing mod I will go into more detail tomorrow.
  16. I have survived a lot of engine failures and not been hurt I believe because I practice glide approaches and avoid places where you cannot do a emergency landing.
  17. Woops sorry about the repeats.
  18. On the news they said the pilot was an instructor. It looked like they had an engine failure on take off and went straight ahead. If that is correct then congratulations to the pilot she made the best out of a bad situation and probably saved two lives.
  19. On the news they said the pilot was an instructor. It looked like they had an engine failure on take off and went straight ahead. If that is correct then congratulations to the pilot she made the best out of a bad situation and probably saved two lives.
  20. On the news they said the pilot was an instructor. It looked like they had an engine failure on take off and went straight ahead. If that is correct then congratulations to the pilot she made the best out of a bad situation and probably saved two lives.
  21. Their is a lot of hysteria about drones on ch 7 there was a program The battle for Mosul where they claimed quads were dropping bombs on people. The producers clearly had no idea about the the subject they showed a dji phantom with a 'steel bomb it could never lift. Not to mention how difficult it would be to know when you are over the target.
  22. If you need it I can give you the name and number of the person at Gympie who builds them.
  23. Did you find what you were looking for?
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