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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. You can read into it what you like I have made it clear my comments were not about the instructor but the aircraft.
  2. I won't comment on the instructor but system is promoting and allowing this style of aircraft. If someone I knew was getting in an aircraft like that I would suggest don't do it. In my view the risk is too high when a student is killed it is not appropriate to say if people want to take the risk that is their choice.
  3. I wonder if that student knew the risk he was taking?
  4. That is true Frank and works best with the type of aircraft the AUF was created for. The faster and more slippery a plane is the harder it is to do an emergency landing. I wouldn't even get in a plane like that if you have a engine failure not over the strip you have a real problem. Even if you get it down with out stalling it there is a real risk you will loose the nose wheel and end up inverted and trapped.
  5. Well done by the ultralight pilot.
  6. I was responding to someone asking if I had a vested interest and not you. The comment about misuse of the truth was aimed at various posts on the thread.
  7. I wasn't referring to you with that comment.
  8. No, I do own a couple which I have not flown for some time. What I have a problem with is misuse of the truth by people who clearly have no understanding of the subject.
  9. Nev please stop misquoting me most on these forums does not mean everyone.
  10. A Phantom style drone weights about 1.5 kg and in wrong place at the wrong time would be deadly to most aircraft. I think this is well understood by most on these forums.
  11. Nev could you name the post where someone has said drones are not a hazard to aircraft .
  12. As in politics and religion people believe what they want to believe. This thread is a classic example a dent that looked nothing like what a drone would make no evidence all that it was a drone but still people thought that was what happened.
  13. Maybe IanR can say which one he saw?
  14. Not calling you a liar but these sort of signings put a strain on the imagination. A DJI Phantom style drone is about 350 mm X 350 mm in size and at 600 ft pretty much out of sight. How did you park plane while you pointed it out to the 747 guy? What sort of a screwball would fly one at that height especially near a airport?
  15. Isn't this a case he thinks it was a drone ? And therefore not making a false report?
  16. Nothing is impossible but the number of unbelievable drone reports have not helped. How does this person know this was a drone? If it was a drone then that would be a very serious problem that needs to be assessed. It would appear to me drone reports are made up in an effort to get them banned.
  17. Did you look at the damage? A vertical crease nothing like what you would expect from a drone strike.
  18. You wouldn't know what happened hangar rash, wind sock pole, take your pick there is no evidence that it was a drone.
  19. How do they know it was a drone? They just made that up.
  20. I did see a Jabiru and am fairly sure it was a 2 seater because it was some years ago I can't be certain about the rego but I thought it was RRAus.
  21. I have seen a angel flight person transported in a RAAus registered 2 seat Jabiru.
  22. This is not the first time this has happened and it won't be the last sadly. The big question is why? We all know not to do it but it still happens maybe he felt pressure to carry on in the circumstances.
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