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  1. No longer required, hangar found.
  2. Spot required for for a Mooney Ovation. Low wing, span 11.2m Fuse 9m. Is there anything out there other than the new aeroclub hangars?
  3. Hi All, I'm presently dealing with some intergranualar corrosion on a 2020 T3 spar cap extrusion. I need a very small quantity of Deoxidine 624 and Henkel W01 to clean up, 100ml of each one would be heaps. Does anyone know where I might be able to find this in SE Qld? Henkel don't sell deoxidine in less than 20L. If a member has some I could purchase a smaller quantity off that would be great. Also I'll likely need to talk to a CAR35 (or Part 21 section M I think it's now referred to!) engineer - can anyone recommend one that is GA experimental friendly. I've had to take 0.030" at the deepest spot off the top of the 0.190" T extrusion. Cheers Tim
  4. Hi Guys, I'm considering the cougar for a vh-experimental build. Seems like reasonable bang for buck. If anyone can offer informed comment on the following points it would be appreciated: 1. Engine options - Is this really a viable 4 seat aircraft with anything less than 150 horsies? I see someone is building one with a viking 110hp motor. I'm not aware of any 4 seat aircraft powered with anything less than a Jab 3300 so this surprised me. Should I forget about anything less than an O-320 if I want a proper 4(adult) seat aircraft? 2. Endurance - with the website quoted 100L tanks and 0-320 burning 30L/hour that's less than 3 hours endurance with reserves intact. Can wing tanks be installed for this configuration? 2. With the main fuel tank located behind the firewall, at MTOW with 4 pax and a few bags can the CofG ever move beyond aft limits as fuel is burnt? Cheers Tim
  5. Howdy All, I'm in beautiful SE Queensland and a GA CPL turned recreational/light sport fanatic. I spend most of my time flying tecnams out of YRED, drifters out near Gatton and hang gliders and paragliders in the hinterland. In my day job I'm an avionics engineer looking after airline full flight simulators for a living. I would love to build an aircraft and I'm currently leaning towards a Sonerai 2LS. If anyone in SE qld building a kit aircraft would like a hand I'd love to get a better idea of what is involved. Also... If There is anyone out there with a sonerai who has an empty seat one day I'm happy to supply an appropriate bribe of cash/beer/spirits to go flying!
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