Howdy again, I think another solid weekend, except for one 'brain snap' (Lovely illustration of an error chain in action, Some turbulence, then a thermal, then missing the base call, then coming in a little high, a little flat, and then landing on three wheels, and not paying much more attention.. We both looked at eachother and didnt have a lot to say about that one..) But the rest where I believe passable student landings, no slamming it down.. just have to limit my movements on the controls alittle more when closer to the ground, a couple of two for ones, but good positive feelings all the way around..
Reverted to looking at the ASI Again, bugger of a thing, it feels so right to look at it, just have to get through this, we covered it up for the last 5 circuits, without a lot of prompting, except for the one where I went to sleep, it amasing what you can achieve with a bit of concentration outside and not looking at the guages.. Couple of problems keeping captured height, especially when on downwind, still coming in a little high, but thats more a judgement call when to turn for base, If I extended just a little more out on downwind, and pulled the flaps in a little earlier (towards the second lessons middle this was under control) would have looked a lot more nicer.
Went onto Engine Failures in Circuit, and got a demo of an engine failure on takeoff, enjoyed them, its truly amasing what looks good from one angle is rather nasty from another angle, just have to remember not to make rash or snap decisions, but to make a decision and weigh the options...
So yes, all and all a good experience, a Chipmunk had a read Engine failure on Takeoff as I arrived, so that was interesting.. an omen? :)