Howdy once again, Second Trial Flight at a Differnt School ( I had hoped to get onto another school more quickly that 1 month, but work committments, and my loving partner keep me busy (only had to move 4 Cubic meters of Soil and Bark last weekend, but at least thats all done with for 6 months and I can continue on with something that I enjoy doing!) Went to archerfield, met a nice instructor fellow, and Jumped into a Cesna 150, I thought there would be more room, as they are physically larger aircraft, but now that I think about it, larger aircraft, means heaver, means bigger wings (not all the time, but you get the idea) yada yada yada, again pushed up night and snug with the instructor. First thing is OMG, EVEN MORE BUTTONS, and the preliminary's where skipped, as they where done earlier the day, and the little plane had already been up in the air a few times that day, Would have loved to have kicked the tires and looked around the outside, drain some fuel, have a gas bag about what goes where and so on and so forth, but not to be, after a safety briefing, and an introduction to all the lovely gagues and dials that where in front of me, we called to archerfield ATC and off we went, the instructor mentioned that I was driving like a drunk sailor, and we soon got into a chat about his previous career, I'll get the hang of it, its just not intuitive to drive with your feet... Up we went, staying at around 1000 feet, I pulled a little to sharp on the column, but we got there in the end, off to the towers at mt cootha, avoiding a helicopter, I must admit, there where a HELL of a lot of voices coming through in the general comms chatter (I figured out that there was one for departures on the field, one for field frequency, one for general comms and one for approach) Due to the turbulance, and well, my very very very sad attempts at sending this plane down the apron, and taxing areas, I well, feel, that the instructor didnt want to let me near the rudder, I can understand that, Up in toowoomba the CFI let me have it all and just pressed a little left and right when I was banking a little to hard, but I can understand that the Instructor didnt want me doing anything like this in a heavily populated area, was a little depressed that I couldnt swing through the saddle at the Gap, but thems the breaks. Around the back of mount cootha (I must admit I've lived in brisbane most of my life, and until you see it from the air, it doesnt really gel with you where everything is) Managed to keep the wings level, and at altitude, though this seems to be what I am good at, when we swung around the back of mount cootha, and he called for approach (I've been doing some readying on radios and weather, and managed to pick up (from all of the other chatter (GOD, how do you guys do it, there are so many things happening at the same time, lots of people chatting(not chatting chatting, lots of backwards and fowards with very important information, and the one thing I found very pleasing was that everyone was using there please's and thankyou's, its warming to see in this day and age some of the pleasantries are not lost on some people, but sadly lost of the general population) and lots of information being thrown backwards and fowards) that we where upto the 'I' India/indego revision of the ATIS broadcast for the day, when we left it was only hotel... Learted that I have trouble decending, I like to keep things level, something that I will have to work on I think... just dont like the idea of the buildings getting larger :) they are quite nice the way that they are... far far away... (unlike towoomba, where we where doing some gliding (we didnt even get that, it was more a site seeing trip, but hey, they would get 100's of people in every week wanting to see and play, why should I be any different! Being the quiet and unassuming person that I am, Its better to leave it that way) Learned that anything that deflects air will give you lift, there was a line of tree's before the runway (why there is a row of tree's before the approach leg of a runway has me buggered...) that gave us a boost in the air, then on the other side, it took it away from us, I honestly thought that (at first) that we would have stayed at the same height and would have to push down a little to loose some altitude, but I was wrong (so wrong), we sunk on the other side!, now that I think about it, it makes sense .... Wow.. What educational 30 minutes, lasted the whole 30 minutes... I'm chuffed..
And the good thing, I didnt get ill until we where on the return leg, and it was nothing more than a little upset stomach... so perhaps the combination of ginger tablets, a cooler head, a common area, and perhaps since we didnt do a lot of banking, even though we where being thrown around a lot, made the difference.. Dont know ... know if I can only book a TIF at Redcliffe (There booked out for weeks, must be good weather for flying) I am planning on putting up a blog of my exploits, more to keep myself motivated, perhaps write a book.. ;) ha..
My hats off to all aviators ... what immense pleasure you would derive from this hobby/sport/lifestyle/career...
red.. Mark