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Everything posted by pgrylls

  1. pgrylls

    RV4 Wanted.

    Both, really.
  2. pgrylls

    RV4 Wanted.

    Get him to talk to me!
  3. pgrylls

    RV4 Wanted.

    No worries Bernie. Bit of a long-shot but you never know. !5 litres an hour is bound to be attractive to someone. I will keep an eye out for your RV.
  4. pgrylls

    RV4 Wanted.

    As it happens. I have an Allegro 2000 That I could well be tempted to do a cross-trade on an Rv4.
  5. You must have been smaller, then.
  6. Give Alan at Cummins Spinners a call, I am pretty sure he could help you out.
  7. It's sad that the passenger died. It's also sad that another WW2 aircraft was lost.
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