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Everything posted by rotor

  1. Another prime example of a totalitarian capitalist system :)
  2. Ian Watson at Bundaberg airport. I just bought a plane and he did the inspection on it at a very reasonable price.
  3. Condolences to family and friends - RIP Lots of off topic here - inappropriate! A new thread should have been opened to discuss rules and regs!
  4. What difference does that make? I'm a great Grand Father who absolutely loves his GK's and GGK's - does that mean I could go around the world in a jumbo with noisy uncontrolled brats sitting beside me! Going down to Brissy in the train is bad enough! He's quite justified complaining - I'd be asking to be moved! Just because your in an aeroplane doesn't mean you have to put up with any type of nuisance!
  5. Amazing!
  6. Free? I always thought that we paid for it as part of our membership .....
  7. Jeez (not bad spot to be with your head in the clouds lol) - didnt even look at the date ...... just looked at the planes and as Mick would have only had the Sports Star for maybe 3-4 years thought it was more recent ...... I'm at Gladstone and am paying $50 a week which is soon to end as the owner has sold and the new owner need all the space. So I'd be happy to re-hangar the old girl in Bundy for $55 at least till the end of the wet by that time I should have my own.
  8. If you can afford those aeroplanes you can afford $55 a week mate - and if it was your hangar how much would you be charging .... you wouldn't be giving it away would you!
  9. From what I have read most of the time the U-Boat let go the cable when an enemy aircraft or vessel was sighted and dived ...... bugger the pilot!
  10. Sincerest condolences to family and friends.
  11. All that needs to be said until actual facts come to light is " Condolences to the family and friends of the pilot"
  12. After reading three pages and not finding out anything at all about this accident .... anyone got any "facts" at all concerning this accident?
  13. Correct it was fitted with a VIP in flight adjustable prop and yes it was therefore registered E24. The aircraft did not exhibit the E ahead of the rego numbers.
  14. Firstly my condolences to the family and friends of the late pilot. Another tragedy! To stop any speculation: The plane was a Lightwing Speed-2000 reg 24-5183 The aircraft had been hangared at Tumut and was recently sold.
  15. rotor


    Thx Doug - yes I agree. The GR is a great aeroplane for sure. It's surprising but I don't know anyone that's seen or flown one either! The SP2000 looks like it would be a nice cruising aeroplane. They appear to be very strong and well built also. As far as performance info goes. they probably rate similar to the J230 - got lots of room but lack a little performance getting out of shorter strips fully loaded - 600m-700m and also a little slower in the cruise of course. I intend to venture down to Ballina this week for an inspection.
  16. rotor


    OK, looks like I'm outta luck trying to gather any information other than the builders specs ......... thx apm, looks like we're the only two that's even heard of sp2000 - not even any off topic here, that'll be a first lol!
  17. rotor


    thx apm - I'm a low time flyer and wanted to get an experienced opinion more so on the 2000. I know the 4000 is basically the same aeroplane but the 2000 wouldn't be comparable on a short strip, climb out or cruising - 4000 is heavier and has lots more power .... I can read all about them on their website - but I'd really like to hear first hand from some one who has either owned one or had a bit to do with them. Again I can travel down to Ballina as It's only 10-12 hrs away ...... but before I do go spending my time and money driving around the country I'll listen to as much advise (good or bad) as I can get!
  18. rotor


    Ok you blokes, I am looking at the SP2000 and want to get a few opinions from those that are familiar with them.
  19. Sorry, I haven't read all of the short stories above BUT - don't the Camit engines come out of the same factory that built the Jab motors? They look identical on the outside? Good luck!
  20. don't forget proper aeroplanes have that thing hangin off the back end .... you know that thingy that stops it from draggin it's rear end!
  21. Yep good idea .....
  22. I've got to be looking in all the wrong places - I want to put an Aluminium Louvre Vent on the cowl behind my oil cooler and can only find them on American and British sites .... Spruce etc ....... Surely I should be able to find one in Aus ...... Any ideas fellas
  23. Yep ordered it myself and will keep the other for a spare!! Cheers Geoff
  24. JImG - just found this link to a thermostat controlled sandwich adapter which may be the better option http://vpw.com.au/Category/Index/165383
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