"With due respect to all points of view - the veiled comments here relate to the contention between Don Ramsay and Rod Birrell. I have no position on, nor knowledge of, the veracity of the statements of either party - but it is in NO way a proven case that one or the other has produced the truth. The assertion that ' Rod made those comments on good grounds with his personal knowledge and good information so how can they be called lies' has - in reality - no greater validity than the opposite view.
What is needed, is independent verification of statements, supported by incontrovertible evidence - for both protagonists. Any assumption that the statements of one vs. the other, in the absence of such evidence, has more veracity is entirely subjective.
Personally, I do not have the background knowledge to assess the claims of either Rod or Don. I have seen nothing on here that makes me assured that either of them is 'right'. Unsupported assertions of opinion do not make one case or the other as 'right'.
I have - as any person has - my 'feelings' as to what is 'right' - but that is IN NO WAY proof. Until I see irrefutable proof, I withhold judgement. KP, you have been promising us a grand denoument for some months now - but that continues to remain a promise rather than a fact."
And, therein lies the main problem nowadays - doesn't seem to matter anymore who is making assertions because in any discussion/argument in all walks of life, WHO do you believe. From my observation a lot of people tend to believe their 'friends' comments despite not knowing the actual truth (we seem to want to believe the worst of people) so nothing changes. Life used to be much simpler