I install avionics for a living so offer my opinion based on experience, yours my vary........
Basically you get what you pay for - and good audio/intercom isn't available in 'cheaper' 2 1/4" radios unless you have a good independent intercom eg PS Engineering (considered, by many, to be the best audio people around) or the Sigtronics. BTW ps-engineering.com have some 'auto squelch' models which means you don't have the ability to adjust the squelch, it happens automatically & adjusts each mic to suit whatever different headsets you have.
Xcom, in the past, (as from my experience) had 'issues' which were mostly unjustifiably blamed on wiring etc, this may have changed somewhat now that Narco (I believe) are involved in the manufacture of those units.
Microair seem to be ok ( I used to throw away the Intercom board on the older models) providing you use a separate Intercom unit, preferably NOT a cheap one.
Icom - they make good radios particularly the A200 but the design of the A210 is a shocker !! and it is not a true monitor of the standby frequency it scans it instead. There is no other ,generally used, radio that in order to fit it you have to remove the front panel first to install into the rack & reverse the procedure to remove it. The front panel is connected to the body by a semi rigid 10mm x .5mm (approx) ribbon, Again IMO this has given some Icom owners a headache with having warranty repairs done due to issues with the ribbon cable - also I think the dual watch feature is a poor attempt to mimic the the Garmin SL40 (aka Apollo SL40) you have to 're engage' the dual watch each time someone talks on the active frequency or your pax speaks into their mic.
Garmin SL40 - These units are so reliable and troublefree & have 2 years warranty. They really do monitor the standby frequency without any further, after activation, pilot input. The SL40 has only ever had one Service Bulletin issued in it's long history, the same can't be said of others.
Some owners tend to blame the equipment however if the wiring, antenna cabling, shielding, grounding & bonding is up to scratch then there should not be any problems other than poor electrical design/ layout. Some prefabricated wiring harnesses can introduce problems too especially when they use the braided shield as an earth return - to be discussed another day :-)