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Everything posted by jakej

  1. Recently noticed a Eurocopter EC135 using an RV10's HEX code - if the "professionals" can't get to right maybe you need to send them a gentle reminder
  2. and...... you will be billed by them regardless of whether you were actually at a particular field or just passing through a CTAF. I've had recent bills from them for landing at YMMB (Moorabbin - in that case who gives the data to Avdata?) despite not having been there for years.
  3. Nick, I found it to be a bit 'clunky' but that's to be expected in the early stages of product development. In my situation with giving advice to potential customers I avoid products that have not had the test of time & are produced by very small single owner outfits. My advice has always been to NOT buy until one is fully ready to install/use - who wants to spend hard earned dollars & be the R&D bunny for them ?
  4. Yep, finally got to the Sea Plane base as well ( after my 4th OSH) & watched Te Mars Martin do its thing - very impressive. Got to show another newby ( Oshkosh virgin) the ropes - he now comprehends the enormity of it all. Check out the EAA's list of forums alone & you'll see what I mean. Met up with Fly Vulcan (forumite here) & many other Aussies. Weather, except for the humidity of last Sat/Sun was very easy to handle. Technology - there are so many new products & developments to long to list but one that may interest many is the Aeolus-Sense (A-EFIS with AHRS input) from talosavionics.com - it is an App for use with IOS & Android etc. If you are truly interested in any level of aviation then go to OSH- you will not be disappointed.
  5. Hi Dave Not long until the 'real' Oshkosh, I'll have my regular mobile number with me.
  6. Totally agree - never had a problem either & I've wired up many of them. Can't use ANR with our headsets - what a load of cobblers, if that is the case then I'd recommend they get into the 21st century or close their doors as there are soooo many using ANR headsets nowadays - it's a big market they may ignore at their peril - IMO.
  7. Bruce, I haven't "got into" arduino or Pi etc as the work I do is mostly with off the shelf stuff so I'm unable to advise on the amp, sorry.
  8. Bruce, just was replying to your post # 6 - there are generally grounded & ungrounded probes & a LOT use the grounded type ( most common) like Dynon use. You can't tell by just looking at them.
  9. I think what Brent meant by thanks was - thanks in anticipation ( TIA) of a reply to his question.
  10. Bruce, I'd have a rethink on your assertion
  11. Stevron - email or call me, there appears to be something you're missing in your investigation & absolutely no need to spend money on other equipment that isn't required.
  12. Winter (Ge) are good & you can try the UMA (USA) units too
  13. &... if it's Chinese manufacture then anything could be going on, don't know why they are allowed to be used here.
  14. This has nothing to do with political persuasions, it's the endemic culture in CASA that affects the viability of the industry.
  15. I have a gut feeling (maybe more than that) that things WILL change with CASA whether some there want it to or not. About 15 of them were 'released' from their positions recently but more importantly their culture, not just some players, has to change before they will earn any respect from our industry - that was part of my input at the Rally at Tamworth. I don't have an AOC or rely on 'handouts' from CASA so am not afraid to speak out about the intimidation that some of them have dished (experienced first hand) out to the industry & don't have to 'suck up' & capitulate to increasing compliance demands for the handouts that some organisations feel they need to do.
  16. Nev - We're on the same page here - radar will be with us for a long, long time, especially in the "J" curve down around the east coast. There is no other option ! ADSB was never intended to replace radar or existing systems, it just is a much more cost effective way of giving some sort of surveilllance (for want of a better word) & air to air traffic rather than adding more expensive limited range radars to the system - "we" just can't afford that & it's not practicle.
  17. Nev, I was not saying that ADSB was replacing Radar - the point was that more Radar coverage is too expensive compared to newr technologies & is too short range, anyway we just don't have the population density to justify the cost. In Canada/Alaska they had a different problem as the terrain made it unviable to build more Radar sites so the "Capstone" solution was created using satellite & ground based systems. Sorry but your assertion about security doesn't wash here - all anyone (I'm not at all saying this should be done) would have to do is turn of the transponder as some (VFR) do now, or do not turn it on before flight because they are worried that if they 'bust' airspace CASA will find out & 'ping' them.
  18. From what I know the US is using UAT for traffic & Wx etc IN but many are just using 1090 OUT, 1090 is being used by the rest of the world. Unless you consider (as apparently some do) that the USA is the world.
  19. I'm figuring the 'early' implementation (of ADSB for IFR) may have to do with costs, ie there was probably a need for upgrading or more radars & they are very expensive. It reminds me of way back in 1999 when Airservices were looking at having a unique ADSB type system (to long to explain but they used my aircraft for some tests in Canberra) with ground based 'beep back ' units as well. They (Airservices) worked out it would be cheaper to give one to every aircraft in Oz then to build 1 x radar site. Guess what, it all became political because of a few industry well known players & it was dropped because of them & a manufacturer who decided it wasn't worth manufacturing & continuing support for approx 10,000 units, go figure !! Only a few years after that there was a requirement for GPWS & subsequently EGPWS - same situation as we have now, the industry had years of warning beforehand but many still kicked up a stink when it was finally introduced. A bit of deja vu here now with ADSB - remember it is ONLY for IFR aircraft for some time well into the future. Yenn - the gear is not going to be superceded however, although there may/will be a way to get ADSB OUT for VFR (if you want it & maybe IFR) at a reasonably low price (I'm testing one in the $us600 region) the Mode S Tranponder fitment is still as per my post # 40.
  20. I couldn't believe there was so much emphasis on ADSB though - the requirements for ADSB OUT don't apply to VFR aircraft & won't for many years into the future. Many confuse the issue through lackof understanding but basically if you replace a Transponder, install a new one or have registered an aircraft after Feb 2014, then it must be a Mode S type - not mode C which we are used to, basically that's it. Of note is that some of these units were about the same price as a Mode C unit so it made sense to go to S. FYI - Mode S with ES (Extended Squitter), don't buy one without ES, is needed IF you want/need ADSB OUT. For the last 4/5 years Mode S Transponders are the only type I have been installing in all sorts of sport aircraft but did not mention that at Tamworth because I felt it could have diluted the arguments by those against the IFR ADSB requirements. Finally - the apparent good Transponder (particularly ADSB traffic) coverage by Flt Radar 24 is not all of what the ATC system sees as there aren't many ground stations to give the coverage expected by some at the lower levels ie under 5 to 10,000ft. I wouldn't be rushing to buy the expensive stuff anytime soon as there is much happening behind the scenes which will result in less cost to us all. More info about coverage here http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/projects/ads-b/ads-b-coverage/
  21. From what I've seen on factory built Jabby's (J33) with an EMS built earlier than this year only have 1 or 2 CHT probes fitted, why is that ? money ? oh no can't be that surely ? Do Jabby NOW say you should monitor every cylinder ? If so then iot's all a bit cynical the horse had bolted. Andrew is on the mark above about CHT's etc, why has it taken so long for some to realise that high CHT is the bane of air cooled engines ? One thing I should mention - if your fuel flow is too low at max power (takeoff) you will get high CHT's, that's why many have to do a step climb. So don't mess with the jets to get a lower cruise fuel burn least you ultimately pay the price for that.
  22. My musings, observations & opinions only re Aviation meeting with deputy Prime minister, minister for Transport & chairman of CASA board. This was an opportunity that doesn’t come very often & although the convenor was very articulate in the presentation but I think he blew it by allowing the event to get a bit out of control with some behaviour likened to “baying for blood”. Understandable but out of place on the day. There was too much talk about ADSB & I’m not sure many really understand it all – there is a lot of info on the Airservices site about it. I’m sure there would have been more people there from the industry if 1. They could afford the travel costs & 2. Intimidation (imagined or otherwise) by some CASA people in the past was seen as a deterrent to attend. Many in the audience were fired up & in some cases had legitimate grievances but this wasn’t the time for that, a big picture approach should have been taken. IMO the body language of those we were supposed to get the message across to was palpable, to me it was obvious they would have walked away if they could have. I was standing next to the media & it was obvious they saw no value in the event & left early. The timing of the meeting was unfortunate, in hindsight, due to the eminent announcement of the election however I feel the message did get across enough to make it all worthwhile being there. I believe we do finally stand a chance (could be wrong & have been before) with CASA making some serious changes with the CASA Chairman expressing his desire & willingness to make serious improvements in how they do things, the meeting was abuzz with news of forced staff movements from CASA. My contention is as mentioned before, we need to look at the big picture – removing minions is one thing but there are also power brokers & empire builders within white anting DAS, now & in the past. Maybe the legal department has too much power too & is hamstringing CASA & some believe they are in control & not DAS. If any of the above were true then spare a thought for those still working in CASA who just want to go to work but not achieving any good job satisfaction knowing that a lot of people in the same industry despise the organisation that they work for – morale would have to be very low. As I see it CASA has lost industry respect & needs to change their culture, not just remove some people but also the ones that have caused that lack of respect. IMO, once that is done then we can all move on to a better place rather than feeling & being crushed by bureaucracy & red tape.
  23. No, not too soon as I'm back on track & will post my 'tome' tomorrow:nod:
  24. I was there and gotta say I wasn't impressed with what some did & what the industry did not do well enough. I'll elaborate later when I've calmed down a bit, also had a long flight of 4.7 hrs back home.
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