My musings, observations & opinions only re Aviation meeting with deputy Prime minister, minister for Transport & chairman of CASA board.
This was an opportunity that doesn’t come very often & although the convenor was very articulate in the presentation but I think he blew it by allowing the event to get a bit out of control with some behaviour likened to “baying for blood”. Understandable but out of place on the day.
There was too much talk about ADSB & I’m not sure many really understand it all – there is a lot of info on the Airservices site about it.
I’m sure there would have been more people there from the industry if 1. They could afford the travel costs & 2. Intimidation (imagined or otherwise) by some CASA people in the past was seen as a deterrent to attend.
Many in the audience were fired up & in some cases had legitimate grievances but this wasn’t the time for that, a big picture approach should have been taken.
IMO the body language of those we were supposed to get the message across to was palpable, to me it was obvious they would have walked away if they could have. I was standing next to the media & it was obvious they saw no value in the event & left early.
The timing of the meeting was unfortunate, in hindsight, due to the eminent announcement of the election however I feel the message did get across enough to make it all worthwhile being there.
I believe we do finally stand a chance (could be wrong & have been before) with CASA making some serious changes with the CASA Chairman expressing his desire & willingness to make serious improvements in how they do things, the meeting was abuzz with news of forced staff movements from CASA.
My contention is as mentioned before, we need to look at the big picture – removing minions is one thing but there are also power brokers & empire builders within white anting DAS, now & in the past. Maybe the legal department has too much power too & is hamstringing CASA & some believe they are in control & not DAS.
If any of the above were true then spare a thought for those still working in CASA who just want to go to work but not achieving any good job satisfaction knowing that a lot of people in the same industry despise the organisation that they work for – morale would have to be very low.
As I see it CASA has lost industry respect & needs to change their culture, not just remove some people but also the ones that have caused that lack of respect.
IMO, once that is done then we can all move on to a better place rather than feeling & being crushed by bureaucracy & red tape.