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Everything posted by jakej

  1. Actually it has been the reverse for years - basically you needed to carry only enough for a flight, but consequences if you run out of fuel like maybe no insurance if a prang etc as a result &/or Casa penalties.
  2. Agree totally Kaz, they're acting like politicians who drop 'bombshells' like this on a Friday so the impact has less impetus by Monday - Well this WON"T be forgotten & we won't take it lying down. Next thing is we'll be required to have a note from CASA to be able to go flying - GRRRRRRRRRRR
  3. Ok I'll bite - All the above makes you wonder why bother having an L2 approval at all - it just get too hard, but maybe a cynic would say that's the intent. I let mine lapse because of what I've seen & know happens after an L2 'signs off' for work done. Some aircraft owners are their own worst enemy & of the RAAus too.
  4. Pm me, I've installed a few LSE systems & 'fixed' some as well. Does it have a dual crank sensor or Hall effect ones , really important to know?
  5. Don't understand your problem but I'm guessing it's part of the reason that the recreational flying industry has serious problems, caused by some with 'attitudes' that are detrimental to RA Aus. The good guys like Nev & Djacro etc., etc must be severlely shaking their heads too at times. Me - I've just tried to give helpful considered input based on a lot of flying experience. Due to some 'experiences' I've had & seen especially with what some factory certified aircraft owners are doing, I had decided to let my L2 & RA Aus licence & membership lapse - some of the mischevious crap (by a minority I might add) I read here makes me realise I just don't want to be involved, now I've realised my decision may have been justified, bye. No more input from me on this forum, sorry Ian.
  6. Nev - no probs
  7. Agree Nev but, although it wasn't a good analogy, my point is I believe there is not enough emphasis on keeping a good look out. Too much assumption that what is said on the radio is heard or understood or that the words are getting out - there are some really poor radio/ microphones about. Maybe the standard of instruction could be improved too but that's another topic. And ..... No more from me on this
  8. 20 miles is not a NEAR miss.
  9. Your eyes are a better tool than a radio, USE THEM, & mandatory for pilot in commend . Too much said here about talk on radio etc, just look out the window - that's how most drive a car. It's accepted in the USA that Transponder & Radio is required, for MOST flights, so why not here especially as some say we should follow them when it comes to operating rules. Otherwise, get over it !! Next topic ?
  10. BRS - don't even think about going down that path I want to be able to have control my aircraft whether the engine is running or not.
  11. Maybe he'll tell you about the time one went inverted in the circuit with him after doing aft C of G loading tests ?
  12. The Sportsman is a great high wing aircraft. I didn't want to get into a discussion about one aircraft being better than another, just agreeing & stating that the 'higher' performance aircraft like the Lancair is not for everyone. The RV7, 9 &10's & Glasair 2's are about equal in handling, no vices.
  13. I agree, that's my point too. Auto correct - don't you just love it. Besides owning/flying a Glasair 2 I've 80 hrs in a "real " (tailskid, no brakes) DH82, plus hrs in most of the Rv's & many other types. Maybe the way to go would be to seriously encourage (not more regulation) the fitment of AOA (Angle of Attack) units, they are reasonably priced & MUCH more useful than a simple stall warning vane. For those that have the more popular EFIS system it usually is a simple install &....., wait for it, you can also add a "Stick Shaker"for a reasonable price $us119.
  14. "Both Lancair and Glas air have a number of different models and it is therefore difficult to ascribe issues pertaining to them generally". One S - your spelling of this is a common mistake Much more importantly there is only one model of Glasair that is potentially more difficult in handling & that is the early G1, ALL the rest are ok. Lancair - IMO these are/were bad due to the very small 'wetted' area which, although it enabled high speeds, caused issues with handling if you get behind the power/speed curve or get distracted you will have an accident. Most high performance aircraft are unforgiving of mistakes & inattention. Aircraft like Lancairs & Aerostars are not for the pilot who seldom flies - they need to fly often to stay current, IMO.
  15. What do you think/know is the fault with it ? Send me a PM if you want.
  16. Which one FT ? How much flying have you done in ANY of those 2 ? Personally, I have approx 2000 hrs in one of those types & AM still alive - at least when i just checked:oh yeah:
  17. I agree with the OP comments - you also need to have VERY deep pockets to pay for the maintenance as well, IMO. Have a look at an RV10 - they are fast enough at 150/160kts, carry 4 if that's what you need to do, very nice & easy to fly & approach speed is 75kts. I have been involved with many aircraft certified & Sports aircraft & if I wanted an aircraft with plenty of room & to carry a resonable load then this is the one I lust for. A well equipped (IFR) RV10 will be in the $230-280K range, much less than a Cirrus. If you want to hire it out or do VFR Charter then forget my comments about the 10
  18. Bill Your comment - " if I pull the plug on the pax and then transmit, back to 5/5." indicates to me the transmitter is ok. Did you swap headsets & try the same test, with & without pax side plugged in ? If the problem has shifted to Pilot position then fault is with the headset, if not then it has to do with the pax wiring, mic jack/Ptt switch. Let me know how it goes - call me if you want (don't have to identify yourself)
  19. Pax mic jack wired incorrectly, pm me a photo of it or send to 0412 624 723
  20. Sounds expensive, at least I figure he didn't get hurt.
  21. may have happened a couple of months ago - there's a whisper it was a Glasair III
  22. Nothing ?
  23. Does anyone know about an 'experimental' aircraft incident in recent days, that supposedly happened near Atherton ?
  24. Nick Can you call me please ?
  25. Give me a call 0412 624 723 - I'll give you some.
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