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Everything posted by jakej

  1. Now that we are in the 21st century there have been some inventions you may have missed - silicone chip gyros & accelerometers ? The best part is the Dynon & Trio ( maybe others) can default to a minimum or maximum airspeed ie , when autopilot engaged, if you're climbing it will default to minimum airspeed set if the rate is et too high & aircraft is not capable of the sustained climb rate OR if you command a descent rate that could result in a very high airspeed, it will establish & maintain the max speed set in setup menu. You ask about ICE - don't go there !! These autopilots will still hold wings level .
  2. Maybe I'm missing something here but why not just fit an autopilot instead ? They are much more cost effective & don't have the huge ongoing cost of re certifying or checking the chute . Dynon now have a LEVEL button ( if the aircraft gets 'out of shape') just press it & the A/pilot will fly wings level again. Garmin also have one used on expensive aircraft like the Cirrus & a less expensive unit too. I'd suggest this is the simplest solution & the autopilot will make life easier
  3. Ah, that is better - I was thinking of a different panel switch operated one same as used in GA & most aircraft
  4. Got lucky then
  5. Mike I've sent you a PM. Jake J
  6. From hero to zero, not a good look & it impacts on aviation. I wonder if insurance pays for people who land/crash due fuel (or lack of) issues
  7. Wins what ?? me , I'd rather stay vertical & have less toys
  8. "or the upwing tank just drained over to the low wing." Can't believe that statement especially if in balanced flight
  9. Grow up !! what's that, I'm having too much fun to do that:laugh:
  10. jakej

    Cabin Heater

    Where you are it'll get warm enough soon Sorry, couldn't resist Hopefully there'll be a simple solution for you. Jake J
  11. IF the "Hugh" is the guy I think he is then he has some 'history' & has also blamed others on forums for his stupidity, in which case it would normally be called libel. I don't know Ian & have never met him however I think he & Corrine are some of those special people who love what they do & 'mostly' enjoy it. My guess is if they had to be paid for giving customers the service & items at prices they do then it would cost you more. If you want fast service then pay for it however if low price is you game then slow down & except that it may take longer for reasons that Ian explained. Ian & Corrine, I'm sure there are many people out there who appreciate what you do but just don't want to 'stick their heads up' publicly - thanks for this Forum.
  12. Has anyone tried that ? Ie communicating
  13. I don't see anything funny, maybe it's my sense of humour gone awry
  14. I don't see anything funny, maybe it's my sense of humour gone awry
  15. A good policy, with strips that are surrounded by rocks trees etc, is to stay close enough to glide in IMO. That's what I do.
  16. A good policy, with strips that are surrounded by rocks trees etc, is to stay close enough to glide in IMO. That's what I do.
  17. Just be aware that if you are using the Dynon SV Transponder (ie Mode S unit) do not put the VH in the tail number area as well as no spaces etc as mentioned by dsam above.
  18. Just be aware that if you are using the Dynon SV Transponder (ie Mode S unit) do not put the VH in the tail number area as well as no spaces etc as mentioned by dsam above.
  19. practice touch & goes without letting the nosewheel touch while reconfiguring flaps etc, I've found that if you can consistently do that 3 times in a row then you have probably 'got it' Just saw your post GG - we're on the same page here.
  20. practice touch & goes without letting the nosewheel touch while reconfiguring flaps etc, I've found that if you can consistently do that 3 times in a row then you have probably 'got it' Just saw your post GG - we're on the same page here.
  21. Turbs - I hear what you are saying BUT the reality in life nowadays is the ONLY way to get justice is IF you can AFFORD to fight an action regardless of whether you think you will win, or if the law is supposedly on your side. I know of a case where advice from a Barrister stated that he was so sure of winning that he would not charge the 10K fee if case lost - he never did collect.
  22. Camel That is the real problem in aviation - you speak up & you become the victim - that's why an operator, or anyone trying to make a living out of aviation can not afford to 'make waves' or have any effective inputs to NPRM's or constructive criticism to CASA. No one has a bank account as big as them (funded by the tax payer) to fight any CASA action that they feel is unjust. When you work to make a living you don't have the TIME to fight either .
  23. If you have a Dynon EFIS you can buy a ( unseated) pitot for $us 200 to get AOA info. The heated version (not needed for VFR) is $us450.
  24. it stands for lack of training by some instructors
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