IF there was more reporting of SDR' s ( service difficulty reports) or defects then we could all be better informed & see any trends that develop. Anecdotally there are a huge numbers of problems with aircraft defects that go unreported IMO - years ago a Lame told me he wouldn't report a problem with my plane because his opinion was that they wouldn't do anything about it.
Again, IMO, this culture of not reporting issues has to change otherwise we'll continue to have the status quo. We need to know of potential problems so that we & the manufacturers can fix them, not find out through word of mouth.
It beggars belief that the aviation industry will put up with problems but the same people won't accept defects in their cars, at least there are consumer laws involved there. I believe manufacturers, of all sorts of things, will protest their innocence & try to escape the need to make good defects to save money - look at the apparent recent history where a car manufacturer denied strenuously that certain models only had problems overseas, then they got found out & surprise, surprise the problem is also in Oz too.
IMO it's all about money, how much they can make.