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Everything posted by jakej

  1. jakej

    How safe is the Jabiru?

    Please don't make assumptions, I know of a Jabby that is IFR capable (& VH registered). I personally wouldn't fly behind anything other than Lycosaurus, at this stage, but the Jabby is more efficient & quicker than the Pipers/Cessnas that some got their IF Ratings in.
  2. (5) The operator of an aircraft must not allow the aircraft to be flown if the following requirements have not been satisfied: (a) the flight check system has been approved by CASA; Anyone know how much CASA will charge for the approval ? Regulation & money making by stealth IMO if it applies to both GA & Sports aircraft - what happened to the 'no requirement for a Flight Manual' ? Jake J
  3. An observation ... it's impossible to fly around the world without a valid passport (good for 10 years & recognised worldwide) yet we have to have the ASIC card for some local airports - now try & travel with just the ASIC card worldwide. That is the joke on us. Jake J
  4. Maybe not, at least cost wise, as there are moves afoot to consider very low power units (say 30nm range) & therefore low cost but everyone would have to have one - no exemptions. Not a bad option IMO:nod: Jake J
  5. next it'll be your car trips .. Don't laugh, there are airport owners charging some to have their aircraft in a hangar that they also pay rent for , just pray that councils don't get on the same bandwagon & charge you to have your car in your own garage Jake J
  6. jakej

    Lismore RV-12

    Matty Which one ? All I see is a list of videos. Jake J
  7. Maybe your question could be 'how many incidents were possibly prevented'. - I saw an RAAus aircraft recently with cowl off while owner was doing nose gear maintenance , I noticed some cracking in rubber of fuel hose (pressure side to carb) & when it was flexed fuel came out. Hate to think about fuel pouring over an engine in flight. Jake J
  8. I'm based at Aldinga so please make contact when you get here & we can discuss all things aviation . Jake J
  9. Thanks, that helps as many can be confused by the rules & what aircraft category they apply to.
  10. As I understand it you can't 'sign off' the repair of the Chinese or any make of Altimeter to FAR 43 Appen E (or F?) if there is no factory approved repair manual. There are soooo many of these that fail, I have known them to be DOA, that I'm surprised that anyone uses them anymore & that CASA allow their installation. They are an absolute waste of money IMO, and I've worked on a lot of aircraft. Customers can supply them if they want but I will never buy one until they are proven to be reliable and legally repairable Jake J
  11. Not yet anyway but there is an NPRM or discussion paper on the requirement despite the last one stating no requirement - how quickly things can change Jake J
  12. Sure is
  13. Maybe ? I'll get to meet you and BlueFlyer up there mid Nov, will be finishing off the electrics & avionics on an RV10.
  14. I believe it can be done with OzRunways on your iPad/Phone & everyone can see the info
  15. Y You are correct, it was a pseudo ADSB system . FYI - I had one of the first units ( a Microair Radio with Gps 'engine' ) fitted to our plane for flight tests, Canberra to GLB for low level range checks & an ILS on return for accuracy tests. The thinking at the time was to get someone like Garmin to make 10,000 units & to give one to every aircraft, that would be more cost effective than 1 x new radar. I believe Garmin may have said the order was too small to bother with & politics & techos self interest may have killed that idea also - why am I not surprised, now we'll have to pay the full amount :-(
  16. We'll be there minus plane, may be able to 'borrow' one - doing a 20 year rebuild & upgrade Mrs learn't to fly there in the mid 70's.
  17. Hi Mike Where are you in Mackay, I'm there at moment at Snap On doing a wiring job - maybe we can 'catch up' ?
  18. Ok, phone call made, here are the definitive results -- ALL aircraft, VFR or IFR if registered (for the first time) on or after 6th Feb 2014 HAVE to have a MODE S Transponder fitted for ops in airspaces as mentioned in #37 above. Below E, the level varies so our 'limit' of 9500' is impacted in places, & in G (where most fly) below 10,000ft you DO NOT need a transponder fitted. Also for VFR only & considering airspace as previous , your existing transponder can be used for a very long time providing it continues to pass the requirements of AD/RAD/47. Hopefully this is clear enough, if not I'll post more if the need is there.
  19. IF there was more reporting of SDR' s ( service difficulty reports) or defects then we could all be better informed & see any trends that develop. Anecdotally there are a huge numbers of problems with aircraft defects that go unreported IMO - years ago a Lame told me he wouldn't report a problem with my plane because his opinion was that they wouldn't do anything about it. Again, IMO, this culture of not reporting issues has to change otherwise we'll continue to have the status quo. We need to know of potential problems so that we & the manufacturers can fix them, not find out through word of mouth. It beggars belief that the aviation industry will put up with problems but the same people won't accept defects in their cars, at least there are consumer laws involved there. I believe manufacturers, of all sorts of things, will protest their innocence & try to escape the need to make good defects to save money - look at the apparent recent history where a car manufacturer denied strenuously that certain models only had problems overseas, then they got found out & surprise, surprise the problem is also in Oz too. IMO it's all about money, how much they can make.
  20. I personally know of a certified lycoming engine that had an issue that Casa didn't want to know about, owner 'modified' it & is still running quite well after 1800 + hrs - point is the owner had to sort it out however it was fixed properly, no continuing problems. In GA any serious airworthiness issues HAD to be reported & could result in an AD therefore requiring a fix - does this happen in RA Aus aircraft ? if not, why not ? I'm really confused here re what has to be reported whether owner built or factory built, it seems to be 'muddy'.
  21. Mark Thought the repeater was out - at least I hoped it wasn't my radios. I'll add my thanks to you for setting up the system, keep up the good work
  22. What I've found is some people are using the ferrites all over the place as they've heard from the grapevine that that is a way to fix their radio/audio issues without understanding the root causes. As a result of the lack of understanding & poor installation methodology there are some very poor radios transmissions out there which is just so unecessary. One of my pet gripes is not seeing mic muffs fitted - as you will know they attenuate the noise better & stop spit & dust ruining them, a mic muff saves money too by prolonging the replacement of the mic.
  23. I take your point & it's good to have some discussion about this topic. Note also that my post here is meant for most of our fellow RA licenced pilots with RA Registered aircraft - most pilots will be VFR anyway & will not be affected by the new rules IF they don't go into the designated airspaces as I've mentioned. There have been new Tranponder testing requirements for a while now with the 'specs' for testing tightened up with avionics shops, by default, having to buy new equipment to meet the standards. Many mode C type transponders (fitted with cavity oscillators) ie early Garmin GTX 320, Narco, King etc may/will/have not passed the more rigorous tests which will result in replacement BUT the digital units eg Garmin GTX 327, Apollo SL70 etc (basically any made using surface mount technology) will most likely keep going for a few years yet so will be available at a cheap price on the used market for those owners mentioned in the para above. Just thought I'd add all this to spell it out for the benefit of others. As stated previously I'll contact the right guy in CASA & Airservices, probably tomorrow, & advise the results - good to be 100% sure on this
  24. Yeah Mark The 'cap' is an item I use on every permanent magnet alternator for the reasons explained earlier, gets rid of the patchwork of ferrites that some people use as some don't understand the 'issues' On another topic - did you have some issues with the radio re transmission unit a couple of weeks or so ago, I tried to use it but the reception back was poor? However I was just west of Gympie at the time but as I don't know the exact location of your system I wasn't sure if I was too far away.
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