OK,OK I'll bite & hopefully give some more informed detail to dispel some of the myths & misconceptions re Mode S & ADS- B. my input is only to help, not inflame so please don't take offence
Mode S is needed for ADS-B - can't have one without the other
The easier one first - ADS-B (out) - unless the plane is going IFR AND has a Navigator like Garmin 430W, GTN (ie TSO 146) etc , AND HAS a Mode S (with ES = Extended Squitter) Transponder, this requirement WILL NOT apply. End of story
Mode S Transponder - in the case of VFR only aircraft. This document says it all http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2012L01739/Download however Para 9 has more relevant detail.
Basically, as I read it (I will contact the 'man' at Airservices on Monday to clarify), this is the situation -
If you replace your existing Transponder, on or after 6th Feb next year, or your aircraft is first registered after that date you will ned a Mode S type BUT only if operating, for our purposes, in C or E airspace or above 10,000 ft in Class G. To simplify - if you go into C airspace eg SY or ML etc, then you will need Mode S. However if you go into Class D ie Bankstown, Parafield or Moorabbin etc then you DO NOT need Mode S.
to recap - forget about ADS-B for VFR aircraft, there is no requirement despite the input from some well meaning 'experts' on forums. Also ADS-B is totally different to Traffic aareness from products like Zaon, it picks up ome Transponder output from other aircraft only. From my experience I'd rather 'look out the window' as there are too many not bothering to turn on their transponders, mark one eyeball is safer IMO - like radio calls, how do you really know if the message is getting out - better to look as well IMO:cheers:.
Mode S Transponder - if you want one or have to install one as per above then please --
1. Do not connect a non TSO'd 145/146 Gps to it - it won't work and creates issues that you don't want to know about.
2. Buy the ES version to future proof the install, do not buy any other type
3. Get the Hex Code, in the case of RA Aus from the Registrar of Aircraft (CASA) or from the RA Aus office ( I think they organise this now but I could be wrong) the Hex code has to be entered into the Transponder menu for it to work.
4. The Transponder installation will have to be tested IAW AD/RAD/47 (this applies to ALL Transponders fitted) by a professional with the correct test equipment.
5. Do Not turn the power on or use the Mode S unit until it has been tested.
For those that are not aware there is a possible penalty by CASA of 100 points for aircraft that don't have the AD complied with, just saying as I'm figuring that some surveillance may be done after the new reg comes int effect.
If you are buying a new Mode S Transponder then a cost effective option for Dynon Skyview owners is the Dynon unit, made by Trig for approx $us1800 (even better value than a Mode C type) or the Trig TT21 panel mount at approx $us2200 however the Garmin GTX330 is approx $us3900, go figure.
Hopefully this is useful to you & if I find that I've written something incorrect I'll fix that mistake.
Jake J