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Everything posted by av8vfr

  1. A thermal camera relies on a difference of temperature. That is, if the earth and the aluminium are at the same temperature, minimum thermal difference will appear. As aluminium is a very good heat sink, it will stabilise to the surrounding temperature relatively quickly. Things like engines, exhaust, etc will be highly visible though if operating. Hope that makes sense
  2. I agree Andy... in todays technology surely general monitoring is the norm???? Even I read in disbelief that the engine pings are hourly... Is there soooo much data being streamed that the pings have to be 60 mins?? Make it 10min with a lat /long and we would have been looking in the right place two or three weeks ago IMHO.. A lot of manpower in the wrong place as it turns out on several occasions...
  3. Re the seat sliding: I was told by an instructor many (many) years ago that if this happened, (as it may in Cessnas) to throw the controls forward, even put your feet on the controls, until you were able to slide the seat forward by natural means.. Not a natural cause of action to release the controls, but always in the back of your mind in a Cessna. However, if you are aware of the issue. you always check the seat is secure in your pre-checks so hopefully this will never be an issue. I think the problem may be the lack of information transferred between generations. Unfortunately most new pilots are unaware of the lessons learnt prior to their licence... especially when operating old airframes/engines unless they have had similar experienced instructors.. I am not saying the seat was an issue in this event, but all aviators should be aware of the implications, and the response I was taught may or may not suit the situation. I am just putting it out there...
  4. Well there you go... I always thought the O was for Over the horizon...
  5. Q: Slightly off topic but If all the electrics on a 777 had a melt down (ie: both AC feeds, Batt, APU (if started in time), (& wind generator if fitted???)) given the sudden loss of transponder, I imagine the fly by wire system would then be also inoperable???? Or is there another backup in place? Also given that a pressurisation system relies on the control of air exiting the airframe (electrically??), I imagine that a total power out would maintain the last pressure setting (ie not fail open and depressurise the cabin)???? I am obviously not a big jet specialist... Lot more Q's than A's ATM.....
  6. CTSW is def more of a handful due to the short coupled fuselage... CTLS is a bit more forgiving with CofG... so not as much pitch sensitivity.. However if you master a CTSW then no probs with a CTLS IMHO.. Cheers
  7. I know some of the Jabs float forever in ground effect as is the same for low wing aircraft.. but seriously, logic tells you if you are 10 kts over in something that weights 2+ times your RAA A/C landing weight then it will take longer (due to inertia) to wash that speed off. Put it down early and unhappy time.. Yes RAAus aircraft are susceptible to the same effect, but not to the same degree.. Just pointing out some of the differences between classes for the inexperienced, not an argument..
  8. I agree Nev.. In GA you have to nail the landing number because inertia of the 1000+kg machine will have you balloon in ground effect if fast... but I can often approach "hot" (ie +10kts) in RAAus because I know when I pull the throttle, speed washes off pretty fast because of the light airframe which will slow up quickly.
  9. I don't think it is a bad strip, as far as grass strips go... I have flown a Texan in there no worries.. Have a chat to Neil at Gofly as he used to fly out of there a bit.
  10. OK, my post was brief for the sake of forums. Sssooo...say if there is "some concern" which prevents the issue of the medical for flying to take place until further tests are carried out... does that stop the person tested from driving as well until the said tests are carried out and passed? This is for the upcoming RPL out of interest..
  11. My only concern is that if someone does the test and fails... does that mean they can't legally drive anymore being a drivers medical??... Most people rely(sp?) on driving for an income. Double whammy, no fly and no drive?
  12. I think it is to be adhered to IAW the Bulletin Under Limited Longevity Safety Handbook Intended Temporarily... or BUL..... (just jokes people..lol)
  13. Coming from an Avionics background, I find it troubling with RAA, that as long as you have a L2 licence (engine airframe trade) you can deal with avionics. I understand that the 100hr / annual is mostly to do with engine / airframe condition, and the sweet magic of avionics is mostly trouble free, but to troubleshoot or maintain a complex digital avionics suite is way beyond the average L2 tech. But for example, what's the difference from an unrestricted L2 who is 95.0% Rag & Tube and inspecting your CF speed machine and signing off on it for example??
  14. I'm guessing this is the same field HitC.... This one is about 3 years ago... (hope i'm not wrong tho)
  15. I am not an expert but I will speculate: As VH regos are not paid annually, I imagine they stay current for the life of the aircraft, even if not airworthy? Many new VH regos are homebuilts(?) and the big boys (QANTAS) bringing new aircraft on line. I can buy a 1970 Piper for around $35K with good EHTR and put it on line for GA training. Not as a pilot but a business opportunity. So maybe the GA pilot is on the decline. I have PPL but after wife had kids and said NO to family flights, its only 1 pax for me so RAAus =cheaper flying... much like most people who fly for fun.
  16. Looks like Teewah to me?
  17. Could be... just looked like a prop flange above the oil cooler....my bad...
  18. The original accident pics shows the prop in a pusher config... To me the prop flange now appears on the front of the donk in the single faired image..(tractor config)??
  19. Just an observation which may be incorrect (it happens), but it was originally a pusher but now in the hanger it looks like a tractor config.. if correct, is there a reason?
  20. Hey Scott, Noticed the tacho going beserk at about 1.25... maybe an earth issue on the Tacho?? Also handheld filming your landing at about 3.00.. probably not the best during an important phase of flight... Maybe try a FB check-in and post a forum thread to reduce the workload instead....lol .. Nice vid tho... Matt
  21. Original post was 2006, so probably a few have made the journey since then..
  22. Not sure why you want to have a specific RAAus column.... I log single engine aircraft dual or command regardless of registration. Maybe so you can keep track of the two? However, I only use my logbook to prove currency and BFRs...doesn't matter how many hours I log with a private licence
  23. Or to stay on topic.. I was visiting my local aero club yesterday when I asked to borrow an old ERSA. "This is the 21st century" the instructor said, "We use Ozrunways...here borrow my IPad"....
  24. While I agree with HITC in principal, surely this sort of thing is being taught practically?? The landing is one of the critical parts of flying... why are you trying to fine tune it on a forum? You pay the instructor for a service, if you feel you are not yet competent then let him know. Remember though, that the instructor will get you to a basic competent level... only experience will fine tune your skills as required for different scenarios.
  25. Not just RAAus that this applies. I had done the RPPL (=GFPT) in the 90s in approx the minimum hrs, then moved interstate for work. I wanted to take some work mates for a local joy flight and showed up at one of the local schools to get checked out. After about 3hrs of dual / solo check flights and no sign off in sight, I went to another school at the same location. 3 circuits check ride (=30min) and the plane was mine.. Apparently, the fact my licence was low hours was more important with the first school than the fact I could actually command the damn thing! Probably worse off nowadays with regards to insurance, liability, etc.. (the good old days???)
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