Hi Enoch / boingk..
A NiMh battery charges different to a SLA so be aware of that. Also, due to any possible high current draw, I would recommend mechanical connections of the battery pack rather than soldered joins that are subject to failure due to vibration, unless you have aircraft experience in this area.
Nice A/C ..... why is it named BOB?
Hi Mark, not sure about the Sav fuel block, but if it is Aluminium with copper washers the electrolysis factor is way high...remember copper clamps on Alu overheads... Just looks that way.. Matt
Member Since:
Oct 26, 2009
Wow Aussie, member since 2009 and this is your first post... really getting into the rec flying forum I see... "This and that flying schools want this A/C" but none have taken it up...
Good luck, but the audience is limited and better machines show up daily in this market..
I had a look over the Sparviero recently and sat in it.. yes it was very comfy and ticked a lot of boxes. The thing that annoyed me was the sales pitch - "demonstrator is $90K... expect a bit more for a new one due to the $ exchange" considering $90K is advertised (inc GST ex Brisbane). That to me means the demo was bought at $90K, flown around the place and now the dollar has slid, wants to sell at the same price with lots of hours on airframe/engine...
Annoyed me enough to look elsewhere...
I know... they always have a "get out" clause + options = $$...
Hongie, I wouldn't be happy with a composite under UV all day every day.. asking for trouble if you ask me. I never see gliders pegged down out in the open.
If the Brumby 600 (alloy airframe) was somewhat cheaper then that would be my option, if only to keep the $$ in Aus.... A lot of 30yo cessnas / pipers that have spent their life in the open.
The answers are A, C, C, D, etc... just joking.
Have fun!..lol.., nearly all on the forum have done it... it is BASIC aeronautical knowledge so don't stress..
I did ccts (C172) with F111s when at Amberley. Obviously CTA, I was RH ccts and F111 was LH ccts. Difference mainly was I was doing standard ccts and the F111 was going up to Somerset (~25NM) to do an ILS each time...
Every cleared to land was "caution, wake turbulence".. Now I wish I got some pics.....
I'm pretty sure they could overtake me if they wanted...
This ones mine, I agree I don't use the flight computer much. I find the UTC clock handy and what time it is overseas before I try and call relatives. Eco-drive is good as well..
Not familiar with Bankstown or surrounds, but you would add the clearance request you are after... ie "request airways clearance"in your example. Also proactive to state POB in the call. ie. "POB 2"
I have had a look at one at YCDR but not yet had a flight. It ticks most of the boxes for me, but hangerage at YCAB is scarce, and composites shouldn't be stored outside, so I haven't gone any further.
From the outside, build quality seems fairly similar with other composite LSAs but haven't seen it with the cowl off yet.
My bad, I referred to the heading "RA v's GA" and I was trying to recall the basic GA limitation (without B737, A320, B-52, etc endorsements) of a standard PPL.
If you have the coin, health, time and willingness then fill your boots...lol