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Everything posted by av8vfr

  1. To me seems a bit ridiculous in this day and age. Back when the prop went "live" with ignition, yes a call was made for the hand throw..., but in tricycle gear, seriously the dude would have to be crouching in front of the gear leg not to be seen... However we live in the times that we have to be seen to make the professional yell from the cockpit for "safety". And this is during a time when you need an ASIC just to get through the perimeter gate... WTF??
  2. Ha JJ, I guessed P3 + stoker + Adelaide = Orion black hander or Flt Eng... I did Flt Eng famil back in 1997(??) in the P3, C130 & Caribous, but couldn't see a job secure future with the C130-J (no flteng) and Caribous being shutdown... I suppose the P3s will be the next.. I was Avionics so dont know many A/Techs from P3s.. Cheers:cheers: Matt
  3. 1000' AGL over built up areas is legal for GA regardless... why do they have VFR routes at legal minimums if the risk is high? No one ends up pointing the plane at population when the fan stops so not an issue really (unless they saw Elvis). The altitude creates a buffer to give the PIC time to manage the best outcome... If you want to belt along at treetop level and whack a canary in the prop that needs an immediate landing, you probably have about 3 secs to get your sh!t in order and carry it out. But I digress... I thought I saw Elvis...
  4. Unless there is a CTA step directly over you (1500' for example).... or weather.... or you saw Elvis....(is it that time????)
  5. Am I the only one to have this new look edition? Interesting to read the new prefix numbers... especially a 12-xxxx for type certified GA aircraft..
  6. Am I the only one to have this new look edition? Interesting to read the new prefix numbers... especially a 12-xxxx for type certified GA aircraft..
  7. And if you are all alone there is that other king, Wayne.......:hide:lol
  8. More truth than funny......
  9. SP, switches are guarded when ON. ie you have to lift the cover and toggle the switch OFF. Guards are there to protect them in the safest position during normal ops. Cheers
  10. Back on topic... an email from Morgan Aeroworks: Quote: RAA has made a BIG stuff up , 12 months work to get approval, only now we find they told us the WRONG standard to comply with also COA 95-55 1.6 was cancled on the 6 of april, and did NOT tell anyone, this has effected a lot of aircraft, and many that dont know what to do. RAA is only weeding info out of us, and steve bell has an offical warning to back off from us, no one is helping us, only trying to hang us over the ferris wheel accident, that we or the piolt was not to blame. RAA wont let me instruct, no flying school. So now we need to comply to a new standard ATSM which is LSA which will require the SAME as a CASA workshop and control. Also only here say by someone from CASA that a RAA aircraft used in a flying school will have to be maintained by a LAME or the aircraft manufacture. End Quote It was forwarded to me and no changes made. No comment from me. For information only.
  11. 60fps is better for flying. Things like LCDs, GPS refresh around the 25/30 fps which is fast enough for the human eye but will appear fragmented on a video. Same applies to the prop with fragmentation. One maybe with a remote mic to sit in your headset earphone, should pick up transmissions as well as your own side tone. Note that the strobe can create noise if you are using A/C power. Cheers
  12. How about Mulder from X-Files..... "The truth is out there".... LOL
  13. Wow Tam... 10 posts and 10 likes..... Are you paying Studentbiggles to boost your brownie points? LOL Feel free to stir us blokes up, happy to be stirred...but expect the same back!! Have fun. Matt
  14. Hi Doug, I got it from http://flyingirls.awardspace.com/index.html Very good artists, I agree....(sorry thread hijack) Cheers
  15. If you girls want to discuss stuff other than flying, surely a PM would suffice rather than a whole seperate forum. This site is dedicated to flying... not gender! Also, girls can bring a whole different perspective to a thread... (ie. emotion) :hide:lol (I'm in trouble now....)
  16. Hi SP, Not sure if the switches are the original but I did notice that you replaced 3A switches with 2A type. While this may be OK short term, the contacts will pit and a high resistance may develop over time if breaking any reasonable current and collapsing voltage. Maybe a higher current item (ie Jaycar ST-0581) rated at 20A will give better reliability, but I am also unsure of the manufacture of this switch regarding reliability. (less than $5 each) Maybe avoid switches with screws and go for riveted types as well. I agree, terrible soldering. Also, missile switch covers are cheap insurance nowadays to prevent accidental toggling off the ignition as well. Cheers:cheers:
  17. Hi Ian, I am no photoshop guru but had a bit of fun with the following.. The blue one is based on a generic pilot forum avatar. The second is loosely based on WW2 bomber nose art. While not the best, some food for thought for budding artists??? Also, the generic aircraft logo on this site could be used somehow. Cheers, Matt Edit: Not interested in the comp... I have too many GPS's as it is!!
  18. Welcome Tam:buddies:.... (wait for it....)
  19. I wonder if that would be similar to a jetski.... pull the power off and you have no directional control????
  20. Me too, David... went NVFR into a microburst... aahh the good old days..LOL
  21. My money would be on a cloud.... (joke)
  22. Still probably less than carbon tax will cost us... and we get nothing for that!
  23. Still probably less than carbon tax will cost us... and we get nothing for that!
  24. As TP and Ig said...Also, fuel attacks the plastic tie and they fail. Then you have two potential problems. A possible fuel leak / fuel line seperation and the broken cable tie that could jam moving parts like throttles etc...
  25. Aaahh.. CFI you and I can see the defect, but this is how it came from the factory.... so what now? Not everyone can see the potential.. "maybe, that is the way the factory (24 rego) got approved so maybe it is okay (from a pilot or L2 POV)." I do speak up when I see something I don't like and hope all pilots are the same. (Much to the horror of my flying club!) Ultimately, we sign off the pre-flight and we take our lives and our pax based on a 10min walk around.. how long will you take?
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