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Everything posted by av8vfr

  1. I am not trying to start an argument cfi, but if you modify a 24 rego in any way without manufacturer approval, is it not the approved aircraft it once was??? ie. adding, removing or altering a factory built specs. Regardless if it is a safety issue or otherwise??? I don't know and therefor the question.... BTW.. I agree to modify for the sake of safety.. but it is not always black & white..
  2. That is logical... but what is legal???
  3. I have noticed a difference in standards in the 24 rego aircraft I have come across. For example, some have "fire sleeve" protecting the fuel line under the cowling, yet others haven't. As I have a military background (avionics) I have to "bite my tongue" as standards are different between RAA and my training. I am not a L2, only a RAA and GA pilot. For example, normally there are no cable ties in the engine bay, nor nylocs due to heat... but I have seen them everywhere on RAA aircraft. And according to what I have read, if I alter my 24 rego (eg. add heat sleeving) without manufacturer's approval, then the aircraft is now not safe and illegal for training flights (non compliant). So, in this example, can a L2 remove cable ties and add hose clamps to a fuel line and still be a legal 24 rego aircraft?
  4. yep...like I said depends on panel... IC-A210 I like these for sunlight readability (OLED) and simplicity but you could find cheaper....
  5. Can depend on panel space and certification requirements and budget. You can support Ozzie with microair... think xcom is overseas now??? If it is non-metallic LSA you will have to add a ground plane to your antenna..
  6. av8vfr

    Drifter Pics

    Some would say swarm.... I think most likely a Gaggle.... Don't think anyone here would call it a "Murder of Drifters"....
  7. As per todays news, while I know that the NATO treaty has the F111 listed as one of the potential nuclear capable threats, surely burying them without wings, etc is a bit over the top. Especially when interested historical groups are willing to fork out $$ for a (non airworthy) airframe. And they would all have recyclable components on board.. and lets face it...we never had them nuclear capable in Oz anyway.... So say good bye to a legend imo.... Funny how they are too dangerous for Joe Public today, but ok for servicemen to maintain for the last 30+ years...
  8. The reasons to move from GA to RAA would be wide and varied. Dunno about the loophole thing.. In my case I joined RAA years ago to get a TW endo but that was to give me skills which would have cost me a lot more had I done it GA. Same skills, just cheaper.. I still have a current PPL and medical, but now I have to pay the doctors and CASA every 2 years (used to be 5 until 40YO) and really, I fly 99.9% either solo or 1 pax... But with PPL I don't pay annually for my licence, where RAA I do. The way I deal with it is - I think of RAA being a magazine subscription and 3rd party insurance with a free licence... so no problem. So RAA introduced HF so that you have a checklist for personal well-being.. hang on!..not good enough.. now they are starting down the path of doctors and extra costs, apparently, on top of RAA fees. Side note - I did HF as part of my PPL but this is not recognised and had to do the RAA exam anyway. I would be interested how many accidents have occurred due to health compared to all other scenarios (CFIT, mechanical, etc). I can't recall many that I have read about, and some are speculation.. Also you could be very healthy and attempt to fly an non-airworthy aircraft and crash...doesn't rule out common sense, does it. For me RAA has made flying fun again... plowing a Cessna through the sky had become a bit ho-hum where my current ride (Texan) is zippy, responsive and about $50 an hour cheaper. I may keep my PPL for CTA but probably not worth the $$ for the medical and CASA. We will see in two years.. RPL may be on the cards but why would I want to fly something that burns 35lts/hr compared to 17 at the same IAS? (But I don't own a Decathlon!)
  9. I'll say... Males don't need to be told when the window should be up or down......
  10. When I went to Fraser last week I heard on the radio the were pushing out 16 chutes each time... Must have a comp coming up?!?!... Did you have a lot of pax to be plowing around in a C206 Tomo? More economical ways to see the country IMO...
  11. Thanks for the kind words gents... Just wanted to show there is more to flying than circuits, especially if you are just starting out. The one bad thing with this Texan is the stickers on the canopy... while they offer shade, it is useless while in the pattern and looking for traffic... may as well be in a high wing!! I like a clear canopy that gives me better situational awareness of what is around. Almost makes me want to buy my own!!
  12. http://www.recreationalflying.com/media/fraser-flight-in-texan.120/ A trip up and down the SE Qld coast for a scenic flight. A 3hr flight compressed into 12mins...
  13. From the web site http://www.greateasternflyin.com/: 2012 Great Eastern Cancelled It is with deep regret that the Fly-In committee has had to cancel the 2012 Great Eastern. This is due to: The unusable condition of the Aerodrome as a result of decontamination works being carried out. Recent unexpected financial requirements placed on us. Safety concerns. We are very sorry that this has happened and want to thank you for your support of the Great Eastern. This is only for this year. Having just done a five year DA for the event, which is in the final stages of approval, we’re not going anywhere! We enjoy it all too much and want to see you all in a years time! SO! You are all invited to The Great Eastern Fly-In’s 21st Birthday Bash in January 2013! SEE YOU THERE!
  14. Flew from Caboolture to Orchid Beach on Fraser Island today... here is Rainbow Beach... Edit: Sorry, my image wont post......
  15. It did that to me also.... edit and repost the link seemed to work tho not as embedded browser...just a link... EDIT: Fixed!
  16. Looks like the cache fixed it...Sorry... with the site dropping in & out I thought it was something to do with that
  17. No worries, yep FF7.0.1 ... Happens when I centre click (in new tab) or left click, but only on certain threads. I also tried a copy link into browser... Next I will clear the cache and have a go...
  18. Hi Ian, When I view the whats new (24h) and click the thread title. It has happened on new threads and ones I have visited before. Ususally it takes me to the first unread (as can be seen in the link) Cheers
  19. Hi Ian, I have had some issues with Firefox... when I click the link to some threads (Logan Reserve and CS prop on 4cyl for example) the browser returns to the forum home page. When I hover over the link I can see the correct link. Latest Firefox. I did a work around by pasting into IE9 and threads viewed ok on it. Not a biggy but thought I would advise. Matt
  20. On Android you can get it all in-built and customizable.... just saying:whistling:
  21. Caloundra can be busy anyway. Stay away from the Ring Tank and Roys orchard as these are favorite inbound points. Also a lot of straight in on rwy 12 so keep an eye out when near the racetrack. Years ago I was outbound Maroochy to Kingaroy and a Baron went zooming 500ft above me. I was at a VFR level and he was IFR. Didn't see him until he passed... no time to do a thing. At least I knew I was on track lol...
  22. I can see it now... For Sale 1 Morgan Sierra only flown to Fairs on Sundays.. LOL
  23. +1... After all we have to tick all the boxes just for the licence... another cash-cow IMO. Even if a baddie got into a RAA plane, anyone with 1/2 a clue would know an aircraft <600kg AUW would be a skidmark on nearly all surfaces. Sure the media drama would be there but the casualties wouldn't (in comparison).
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