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Everything posted by av8vfr

  1. Sparky, RAAF Avionics tech, PPL with night VFR, CSU, RG. RAA tailwheel etc. the list keeps growing...
  2. The Lightspeed Zulus are the go
  3. Did a dual in a Texan on Fri @ YCDR... good atmosphere and fun flying.. Highly recommend it.. We did high level handling ops and low level fun ops. Good fun as I have been so tied up in "disaster recovery" with GA & RAA lately that I haven't really enjoyed flying recently.. I have had so much "doom and gloom" with flying and mishaps recently it takes the fun out of flying.. Next fri i go again...bring on the solo and the utube post..lmao..
  4. See post 104.... http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/merged-0ld-bar-incident-at-taree.28587/page-6
  5. Cool... Booked in for next Friday... Hope the weather holds!
  6. Does anyone know what happened to Freeflying Caloundra? Maybe they have gone back to Emerald? But website is still up http://www.freeflyingemerald.com/ Shame... I wanted to try a Texan out...
  7. Some of them have had too much kero on the brain....as proved by the video lol...
  8. Due to the jet blast the ground handlers have to turn their backs and crouch so they don't turn into tumbleweeds....
  9. Thanks Tomo, but probably easier to hire the SportsStar out of Redcliffe. I just wanted to try a few different types local to YCAB. The Sparviero looks good but nothing local that I have seen. Sorry for the hijack!
  10. I have also tried to contact Free Flying but the number rings out. I even dropped in to Caloundra but couldn't find the school advertised. I also wanted to try the Texan as I want a low wing for x-contry flights and none exist out of YCAB (as far as I know)
  11. An email forwarded to me from another group
  12. I also was a "Teco" on F111s in avionics so I know all about II's and the such.... My point is even the most seasoned pilot can be distracted..hence the previous post....
  13. Speaking of distractions...(maybe another thread..) I pre-flighted a Cherokee 6 out of YAMB and the curious peers were asking 100's of Qs about the A/C. The PA32-260 has a pitot under the wing and I missed removing the cover due to Qs. During the T/O roll and about 15 secs in, the airspeed wasn't "active" so aborted the take-off. As I taxi-ed off an instructor pointed at the cover which I gave him a thumbs up to remove. The airspace was active as well so very embarrassing! I suppose the point is, if it doesn't look right, stop and check it out. Easier on the ground than in the air!
  14. just a theory... could the news have photoshopped the pic before release to remove the pilot if the image was too graphic? I know I wouldn't want to see the details...
  15. Ooouucch 75K Euros is about $100K Aus plus shipping, insurance, etc... Like a Sadler Vampire on steroids!
  16. Cheers Spin, Must have been a quick roll, but glad it wasn't a stall-dive as it appeared. Seems like I wouldn't be a good accident investigator after all....lol I hope no life injuries were an outcome of this event. The plane can be re-built.. Matt
  17. I have seen #2 before...some comments were "tail dragger that hit the brakes too hard" and the "nose gear fail". But for me the interesting items are the map on the canopy and the full flaps. It does look like a wing stall, nose-in incident, considering that the first prop blade seperation has just occurred in the pic, where a nose over would have sheared all 3 blades to get to this pitch attitude. Even at taxi RPM the prop would have had several bites at the ground before it gets vertical like this pic. I don't know the outcome of this event and google-ing DRM (rego in pic) hasn't shed any light. This photo, none the less, our reaction that would represent any of us in exactly the same situation.
  18. I want one... ticks all my boxes! Put it on a trailer and take it home. I need more info...look out Google...
  19. I have been the LH seat in a RAN Squirrel out of Wagga... All good until we went tactical and flying below tree-top levels... "Where are those power lines????" Talk about pucker factor lol...
  20. I think I missed the flying bit.....
  21. Here is a link to a YBAF based 737 sim.... Not sure if they are still active or not: http://www.flightsimulator737.com.au/ "just luttle whiggles.." lol
  22. Also this video also highlights what I have found.... Pilots mostly check and turn to the left. Mainly because this is where we learnt to fly - in a LH circuit. When you fly in a tandem or solo A/C remember to look right. We try to check right but not much to see when two up. I took some video like this and found I often scanned and turned to the left and felt uncomfortable with a RH turn / scan unless it was the cct direction. Thoughts?
  23. Maybe the catchcan off the dipstick???
  24. Post up any info Hongie. I downloaded the price list and it offers a 2000 Euro deduction if you get it without the parachute!
  25. FFS.... Angel Flight is from my point of view is no different than a rural fire service. The volunteers are trained to handle the normal situations they are confronted but when it turns pear shaped.... is the fire service to blame???... IMO they are volunteers that provide an exceptional service that benefit thousands of patients... In fact if I had over 250Hrs PIC I would sign up (currently 230hrs)as an Angel Flight pilot. If my kids needed medical assistance on a regular basis I would have no hesitation sending them up. Two engines are not what they are cracked up to be...And in the scheme of things light aircraft are reasonably reliable.. Bad luck in an aircraft is as common as winning lotto in my opinion.. (more people play lotto) Just my 2cents. Sometimes erring on the side of safety will see more grief than need be....
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