Hi Peeps,
I joined the site relatively recently as I was interested in the Super Petrel (SP) as a purchase. I dreamed of flying over to Tangalooma (or Whitsundays) and snorkeling around the wrecks on a summer arvo before returning to YCAB or YCDR etc. I flew over to YWCK and met with Peter (HEON) and we went on a test flight earlier this year. He recommended this forum so I joined. While I was impressed with the SP on whole, I saw a few things that didn't impress me. And insurance was another topic altogether.....
So, I now have a problem deciding on a purchase...
I have a PPL and RAA licence. I have time on multiple Cessnas and Pipers and prefer flying low wing. This week I had a test flight in a SportStar @ YRED which was surreal with the visibility, also nice and solid in the flight. I was more comfortable in this than a J170. A price list including options would have a SportStar around $160K. A Texan from the website is $135K (more for options?) so not a big difference. If money was no object I would have signed on the spot for the SportStar..
So I compare this to a 25YO Cessna or Piper for ~$70-90K (currently) which carries 4 pax but at 35L burn..
Now, my issue is:
Get a RAA 2 seat NEW 2000 engine Hr A/C @ 18l/hr with all the mod cons for $160K or...
Get a VH 4 seat 30YO ~1000Hr engine Hr A/C @ 35l/hr for $70K + ($40K? avionics mods) = $110K???
Add to this I may want to put the A/C on-line.
New A/C has warranty, old has airframe/engine risk..
I fly mostly C172 two up so the 2x rear is rarely used, however if the family is keen then I am 4 up. This is so rare I could just hire a VH for the rare occasions this happens.
Also, the Rotax burns Mogas at a cheaper $/Ltr at reduced maintenance....
Basically too much maths...
Advice appreciated....