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  1. Nearly overflew what appears to be a private strip at https://maps.app.goo.gl/DBF1RvBHaKZpo5JXA Though he was at 4500 feet at that point. Pity, as it would have left a few years on his lifeline. Congrats on making it that far and surviving.
  2. Rest In Peace Dave. Fabulous eulogy. God Bless!!
  3. Sad. sad, sad. Condolences to all involved and related.
  4. Extremely Tragic news. First "look see" RAA flight was with Dave back in 2011. RIP mate! Condolences to family and friends of both aviators. So sad...
  5. Not surprising. "The Law is a fool". Don't forget the "Law" is a business just like doctors, dentists etc. who make decisions and recommendations to support their next money making venture (I am sure I will be lambasted for this comment), however we now live in a society that is driven by the dollar so if the truth hurts tuff.
  6. Terrible! Terrible! tragedy! Condolences to all his family and friends. RIP mate!
  7. Great to see a favourabe outcome to an engine out situation and not another RIP statistic. Well done pilot.
  8. New to this flying caper with first instructional flight coming up on Saturday out at Boonah.Qld. Look forward to sharing experiences with you all. Cheers, Wayne
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