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Just Fred

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  1. Sonerai at the Oaks Thanks for the accolades fellas, it may have taken many years to complete, but as know, the pleasure is in the makeing. :clown: It's now flown about 35hrs and is now performing great. 110-120kts at 3000revs. Now it's on to the KR2.
  2. Hi there Ian Thanks for the invite, sorry I will not be able to make it, I have visitors from the old dart arriveing on the 1st, maybe another time. Just Fred
  3. Thanks David, sorry but I may not be able to make it to the Oaks on Tuesday, maybe if you do go, and I don't, perhaps you could leave the mag with David. John has gone to Queensland for some spares. anyway I will catch you with again . Fred
  4. Thanks once again fellers for all your congratulations, I really appreciate the accolades. Now down to the business of fine tuning the Sonerai. I will try to include a picture in this post, I hope it turns out OK. Fred
  5. Thanks for the comments and flattery fellas, yes it was a great feeling to get the plane into the air for the first time, even though the excersise was only meant to be a fast taxi, following an adjustment to the alternator. As I was accelerating down runway 18 at the Oaks, lifted the nosewheel, everything felt right, so I thought why not I've got to do this sometime, the feeling can be discribed as somewhere between exhilaration and excitement and maybe a little fear that I may have missed something. The plane behaved beautifully except for the need for a better climb rate, this will need to be looked at. I completed a curcuit, then on final the realisation that I had to land, and, never haveing flown a low wing aircraft before, how would she float after the flare. Consentration at 100%, line up the runway, over the fence, flare, and holding the wings level she settles down. Was it worth the years of work, you bet. Would I do it again, absolutely. All you would be builders out there, there's no better feeling of accomplishment. Well maybe one. Thanks again for your thoughts and wishes. FRED
  6. Thanks Ian, now maybe with a new prop I can get some airtime on the Sonerai and get my 25hrs finished. Thanks again Fred
  7. Just checked this site and what a great idea I am in the market for a new propeller for my Sonerai, I'm thinking of a "Sweetapple" but I cannot find his location anywhere, I have heard that he relies on word of mouth for his sales. Can anyone help ?
  8. I have checked my calender and I will be there, I will be driving up and camping, Yes Ian there will be fuel available both AVGAS and MOGAS from drums on a limited basis (acording to the ERSA) . Should be a good get together weekend.
  9. I will most likely make it, should be a great day if the weather holds out Just Fred
  10. This is my first entry to this site. Got back home from Narromine late Sunday. what a great flyin, best so far and I have been to the last 9, more planes than ever before, and great weather, made a lot of new friends and was introduced to Ian and other forum members at the Recreation Flying tent, pity it was not allowed in a more prominent position, but thats RAA for you (stifle the opposition). Glad to be a new member Just Fred ;)
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