Hi Dafydd,
I understand your frustration however there are plenty on here that value your advice and contributions. In my case I can't contribute very much due to my limited knowledge therefore I spend a great deal of time reading most of the posts and trying to sort out the "wheat from the chaff". I very quickly worked out who the armchair authorities are as well as the bashers , the know-alls and the patronisers. Those are the posters that I tend to ignore because their positive contributions are non-existent while their negative posts are massaging their failing egos. I assume the bias you mention is due to Oscar's 2 week holiday. I have read and re-read his posts from yesterday an can't see what has been bad enough to cause his expulsion. There have been plenty of posts by others that I have considered quite patronising or belittling with no reaction from the hierarchy so that leads me to believe there are some untouchables on this site. All the same the exchanges of info by most of the posters is honest and informative.
I occasionally converse offline with Oscar when I have a question that will only fire up the Jab bashers when I just want an honest answer without any of the grief. The work you guys are doing is invaluable, especially at this time when the Jabiru reliability issue is coming to a head, and we need the contributions you are making. If you guys are going to disappear from this site then forum members like myself will lose access to such a valuable resource.
Keep up the good work and don't leave us.