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Everything posted by puddles_7

  1. "Elegant" for me, looks very familiar with what we have had in the past.
  2. Does this mean that every "Uber Air" pilot will need an ASIC? Good luck making the rooves of the chosen buildings becoming a secure site. Puddles
  3. Hey Deskpilot Interesting quote, however in the words of the late Stephen Hawking... "I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road." Cheers Puddles
  4. Hi NinjaNate It's been about 5 or 6 years since I did my Human Factors. I needed 2 goes at it. Initially I used a Bob Tait publication and found that it didn't cover what was in the exam (in my humble opinion). I then purchased the Dyson-Holland publication, the same as you have, and found it to be relevant.I was so happy with the Dyson-Holland book that I also went on and purchased their book for my Cross Country endorsement too. Just my 2 cents worth. Good luck Puddles_7
  5. Welcome Neophyte, I am also in Townsville. Who are you learning with?
  6. Site appears to be down yet again.
  7. Hi Andy If the magazine goes ahead as electronic only then I support the ideal of a revised layout. I currently subscribe to the online version of Australian Flying and I am so disappointed with the layout and difficulty navigating on anything other than a desktop computer that I am going back to the hardcopy once my subscription is up for renewal. Cheers Puddles_7
  8. Bruce you appear to have copped some heat from your letter. I read it and saw it for what you meant. I don't believe there is a structure that CASA require from pilot responses. At least you sent a response that was clear and concise. If others want to criticise for your response then that's their problem. Well done Cheers Puddles_7
  9. Hi Dafydd, I understand your frustration however there are plenty on here that value your advice and contributions. In my case I can't contribute very much due to my limited knowledge therefore I spend a great deal of time reading most of the posts and trying to sort out the "wheat from the chaff". I very quickly worked out who the armchair authorities are as well as the bashers , the know-alls and the patronisers. Those are the posters that I tend to ignore because their positive contributions are non-existent while their negative posts are massaging their failing egos. I assume the bias you mention is due to Oscar's 2 week holiday. I have read and re-read his posts from yesterday an can't see what has been bad enough to cause his expulsion. There have been plenty of posts by others that I have considered quite patronising or belittling with no reaction from the hierarchy so that leads me to believe there are some untouchables on this site. All the same the exchanges of info by most of the posters is honest and informative. I occasionally converse offline with Oscar when I have a question that will only fire up the Jab bashers when I just want an honest answer without any of the grief. The work you guys are doing is invaluable, especially at this time when the Jabiru reliability issue is coming to a head, and we need the contributions you are making. If you guys are going to disappear from this site then forum members like myself will lose access to such a valuable resource. Keep up the good work and don't leave us. Puddles_7
  10. Hi Ian Good job, well done. I know what sort of work is required to get something like this done. A professional web developer would charge in the thousands to configure a new server, do the migration, complete the testing then update the DNS settings - and you do this for nothing. Just like you to know how appreciated you are. Thanks Mate Puddles_7 ✈️
  11. Thanks Merv
  12. Merv Can you explain what you mean by "top" and "bottom" rudder? Cheers Puddles
  13. Hi Guys, There has been some discussion on these forums about CAMit mods for Jabiru engines and CAMit are advertising Aero engines on their website. What I would like to know is under what circumstances can the CAMit engines or their modified parts be used in a current Jabiru airframe. Does this require a registration modification or does it require a signoff by an approved person? Puddles_7
  14. Hi Guys Doing some experimenting with a 912/914 and looking for a pair of inlet manifolds, I don't want to butcher the originals. Anyone with a trashed engine that is beyond repair I am happy to use recycled manifolds. Cheers Puddles
  15. Signed. I will do a ring around tonight to encourage others.
  16. Hi Errol Eddie Madden ( www.sportaviation.com.au ) has 2 that he uses for instruction and glider towing. One is a taildragger the other has a nosewheel. He is at Tocumwal on the Murray River, a great place to visit, he even has a caravan park at the airstrip. Cheers Puddles
  17. Hi Nev, I purchased "Flight Training Manual Theory for Recreational Pilots" about 18 months ago. At that stage I was getting close to doing my BAK, Human Factors and Navs. I found the info on the CD great for studying, having the theory put into plain English is a big help. I also had the Dyson-Holland books for those subjects as well and found that they all complemented each other. I have loaned the CD to an acquaintance who doesn't study well, it is the only material he has at the moment and so far has not needed anything else - he has about 15 hours under his belt and seems to be going fine. I can't comment on the integrity of the people at Delta other than they were fine to deal with and even sent me some updates at one stage. Hope that helps. Cheers Puddles
  18. Has he just resigned as President or has he resigned as the NQ Board member as well?
  19. Mine arrived today, never been this late before.
  20. PG Aviation
  21. Turbs Does this mean the rules are set by CASA and not RAA - Andy@Coffs suggested I go straight to Lee Ungerman, starting to look like the case puddles
  22. Winsor68 --Your summation is pretty close I think, despite all my asking around the flyers I know there are varied answers but no-one can point me to the actual info. Crezzi -- I guessed that CASA had updated their document and RaAus hasn't, still doesn't help because I can't find the older CASA stuff to see what those clauses were. I suppose I will have to wait for RaAus to catch up. The LSA postings are all good "grist for the mill" but I still don't know how the conditions are different to Ultralight. David Isaac - there are always more questions the deeper you dig. Some of those that you posted are similar to what is crashing around in my head. As I stated before I have no plane but am always looking (and dreaming) so I need to be aware that any hard earned cash goes the right way. There are quite a few aircraft advertised with retractable undercarriage and in-flight adjustable props, are these planes no longer a saleable item? One of the specific questions I have is in relation to 24 registered Jabirus. Obviously being '24' it would be factory built, so we throw away the engine and replace it with a rotax 912. Does this mean the rego changes to 19? Does this mean MTOW goes from 600kg to 544kg? Does it stay as a 24 rego but carries and "experimental" sticker? If there ia a Guru out there who is conversant with these regs I would love to hear from you. If you don't want to publish the info in case you start WW3 I am happy for you to PM me Cheers Puddles
  23. Hi Everyone, I am trying to get my head around what is an Ultralight and what is an LSA. The in-flight adjustable prop query on the RAA website specifies LSA so it appears that in-flight adjustable props on Ultralights are OK. This lead me to study the RAA Technical Manual (Sec 7.4 and 7.5). Both sections redirect to CAO 95.55 for some clarification. Collectively para 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, and 1.9. When I checked the latest CAO 95.55 on the CASA website in section 1 there is only 1.1, 1.2, &1.3. Can anyone direct me to the right info or explain it in plain English for me? I don't own an aircraft so it is legally a non-issue other than the fact that I feel pretty stupid for not being able to decipher the gibberish. I asked my CFI but he went a bit vague once I started asking too many questions. I am curious about 19, 24 and experimental regos. Cheers Puddles
  24. Thanks Biggles, Just tried it again and all seems good now. I phoned them earlier and they said they have received quite a few calls today about the site being down. I first noticed it Saturday. Cheers Puddles
  25. Hi Guys, Is anyone having a problem accessing the www.jabiru.net.au or is it just me? Puddles_7
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