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We have finally fired up the Corvair engine. After a little tinkering around with the points we got it started. It ran very well and pulled like a baxxxrd. We can now get on with the final wing fitting and get the thing up to the airport for testing. I have put up a few minutes of the engine run. Ianrat CH601XL-B Brisbane Australia.
Darren it is progressing well. The upgrade kit has been completed and so we are now in the final stages of fit out. We are hoping to start the engine for the first time over the easter break and then it shouldn't be long after that we then can move it to the air port for final wing fitting and then flight. The other two kits that come in at the same time are also going well with one going to the airport just after easter and the third one is just finishing the last wing. I will put some more photos up asap. If you are in the Brisbane are drop us a line and come and have a look. Ianrat CH601 XL-B Brisbane.
While at Caboolture do not forget to stop in at the Beauford Bommer restoration. Ianrat Ch601Xl B Brisbane
The Australian agent has a 750 well under construction right now. We have a kit leaving the USA in a few days. We have alread gotten the plans and they are very extensive. They are about 12 mm thick bundle of A3 sheets all CAD drawings. You can also purchase a full set of DVD showing the total build from first rivet to the last one. The 750 kit is pre drilled on both matting parts so most of the time you are just getting part A and cleocoing it to part B. I have seen the plane while at Oshkosh and it is a great deal better than the 701. Better visibility and room. We have already completed a 701 and nearly completed a 601 he in OZ and have no trouble getting any help from Zenith. Just make a phone call or Email and they will fall over backwards to help you. Ianrat CH 601 XLB Brisbane Australia.
Steve was called today and he said that the weight limit would apply to old GA registered planes that were not built under the 51% rule like the 152. It will not apply to the bulk of the planes that we are building and flying. If you need confirmation use the phone and call Steve your self. Ianrat CH601XL
We need some of these wide roads so we can also use them as runways. Nice job Mark. Plane makes emergency landing on I-65 - WAFF.com: North Alabama News, Radar, Weather, Sports and Jobs- Ianrat CH601 XL Brisbane Australia
Wpartan glad to hear that you are building a CH750. We have already completed a CH701 and are fine tuning it. We are also about to fit the wings to our CH601XL. When the 601 is complete we will be starting on a CH750. We have already got a set of plans and are working things out already. Good luck building and if we can help in any way please contact us. Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane Australia
Steve you will have a ball and be very tiered every day from walking and walking and walking. It took us two trips to see it all properly. The international tent also puts on a march on the last Friday I think. It is good to participate in this as there are thousands of international visitors there. There will be a lot of OZ staying at the uni and some hang out the little pub behind the main building. I wish I could make it again this year but went to Sun + Fun instead. Take an extra suit case to bring back all of the bargains. Ianrat Brisbane
The Australian agent Allan Barton has a kit already here in Australia and is well underway. We have also got a set of plans and will start as soon as we have finished our 601XL. We will be using the Corvair engine in ours and there are few in the states already flying with them. Ian Ratcliffe CH 601 XL Brisbane.
Yes. Come around any time. Ian Ratcliffe CH601XL Brisbane
John just a note. I have met with WW on a number of occasions and if you are prepared to build the motor your self he will be all over you because he believes that it is a very cheep and reliable power plant that any that can build a plain would be able to build th power plant. If you just want to pay some one to do all the work for you it will not be your own creation an just an another bought power plant. This is not the WW way. He will sell you all of the parts to be able to build it yourself. As I have said I have produced the intake here in Brisbane. It would be every easy to connect most carbies to it and also apply carby heat on most setups. Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane
We have one installed on the front of our CH601XL. Have not run it yet but we are getting very close. I have made our own intake manifold and have any drawings if required. There are heaver than a Rotex 912 but are about the same as a 0-200 or lycoming. Hope this will help. Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane
Below is an insert from the FAA report. A POTENTIAL FOR FLUTTER Although the FAA found the available flutter data results were inconclusive, they stated that it's clear from the evidence (from aircraft involved in structural failure accidents) that flutter was a "causal factor." Further stating that it's not possible to determine whether flutter was the root cause of the structural failure or a secondary cause after some initial structural deformation of the wing, the FAA is looking at the seemingly diminished structural stiffness influencing flutter while also noting that improperly rigged aileron cable tensions, and improperly installed flap stops have certainly been the culprit in non-catastrophic flutter incidents The above post is in response to the FAA stating that the data should be re tested. As you can plainly see the results are within the limits required. I do not believe that the author is any way involved with Zenith other than a plane owner. I would suggest that the whole FAA report would have to be read in conjunction with the above report to get the full picture. Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane
Captain you are correct. The Designer along with the NTSB and the FAA were already in discussion prior to the last accident. All of the factory built aircraft were then grounded just after this failure and all experimental aircraft strongly recommended to have the modification that have been issued by the designers and AMD (Factory Build aircraft builder) undertaken. To say that this is done and dusted is partly true. The designer has released a list of modifications to the aircraft, all AMD units are grounded and the FAA and any similar body around the world will not register or reregister and CH601XL or 650 without the new modifications completed. So as you can clearly see there is a lot happening in light of the in-flight failures. The issue here is that the designer has done something about the issue and the rest of us (the owner builders) are trying to just get on with life and finish out aircraft. My point is that all the discussion on this or any other site around the world at this stage will not change the outcome in the near future. It is up to the designer to tell us what should be modified. I know that these aircraft are experimental and we can change what we want but I believe that if we do not stick to the designers mods we will have to prove to the authorities that the will be ok. All other site around the world did have some very heated discussions prior to the mods being released and now have fallen silent on the issue. As I have asked is that we are left alone to get on with what has been released by the designer and get them finished without further delay. Thank you Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane Australia
Maj. Millard I do not believe that I am Holyer than Thou just there has been a lot said on this thread regarding the lack of action on the designers part and that some members have come straight out and said what is wrong with the aircraft. I believe the designer has been very active trying to find a solution with Flutter test and new Static load test as well being carried out by independent specialists. They have been working closely with all of the countries that have the CH601XL and the 650. I am also very aware that there has been about seven plans go down due to an in flight structural breakup. As I have also stated none of the experts around the world including the NTSB can say for certain what caused the actual breakups. So how can we say that XXX is the cause? If someone has any ideas on the cause of the breakups (and I do appreciate the concerns and knowledge of others) they would be better to contact the designer direct and discuss it with them instead of just putting out here were it is just pushed back and forth. The designer has come up with the list of modifications that are suggested to be completed on all experimental aircraft and mandatory on the factory built aircraft before we take flight again. There was a lot of heated debate on a few of the sites in the USA until the mods were released by the designer and now the sites are all silent on the issue, they are just getting on with mods. All I ask is to let the situation rest until the mods be done as per the designer’s specifications and we can get on with flying. Please just let it rest. Thank you Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane Australia
Ross sorry for my blunt reply I did not mean it to be. I do not object to any one trying to give advice about any aircraft that is available. However the man did ask a question regarding the CH650 and the next 8 replies only talked about other aircraft. Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane Australia
It is my understanding that the issue of flutter was address by2 independent test performed late last year. There was no evidence of flutter in a correctly set up aircraft over the entire flight envelope. The designers have put out a notice that the control cables must be set and maintained at the correct specifications. In some of the reports it has been stated that flutter was evident but they also state that this could have happened after the wind started to break up. Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane Australia
Country Kid I am pleased that you are looking at the CH650. As you have left a question on this site regarding the 650 I will try to give you some information regarding the 650 and not try to shove some other aircraft onto you as some others have done. As stated there is another thread ongoing regarding the 601XL and the 650 and I would encourage you to read it as well. Please make your own mind up if the aircraft is the one for you. I have made the decision to build the 601XL and I am very happy with it. I believe there are about 30+ 601XL and 650 at presently here in Australia and hundreds around the world. As for me I bought the kit and it has been a pleasure to assemble. Most of the parts are completely cut out and formed and most are pre drilled for ease of assembly. You can also purchase a quick build kit that has a lot of the work already completed for you. I personally went with the standard kit so as I can be assured that it has been build to my standards and I know ever rivet in it. Allan Barton is the new Australian agent for the Zenith fleet of aircraft you can contact him on 0417 121 111 I am sure he would be please to talk to you. He is located in Bendigo Victoria. As I have already said please research the aircraft and if you happy then continue. Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane Australia
BlackRod just a note the problem is with the CH601XL and the CH650 and not Zenith as a whole. Zenith also makes other models that are not affected. Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane Australia.
Nong you humble yourself to much, indeed you are not just a lowlife as you have stated you must be higher than the gods. In your (God like state) you have come up with the smoking gun that no other expert or agency around the world can find. You have judged the airframe to be under strength and suspect the pitch control of the aircraft. I do hope that your training and experience as an expert aeronautical engineer has led to your findings, or are you just another arm chair expert. As I have stated in my prior post before purchasing my kit I investigated the CH601XL at length, this included talking to a lot of people in the industry including aeronautical engineers and they could not see any problem that stood out (not to say that there is none) but at least I have tried to the best of my ability to have a good look. I do hope that you have also done some at length investigating to back up your claims. If you have followed the evolution of the 601XL in recent times the issue of the pitch control has been address. The designers have already put out a modification to the downward and upwards limits of the elevator. As to answer your original post I am unaware of any 601XL that are flying here in Australia. Everyone that I know of are performing the mods before flight so there should not be any one carrying passengers. As you may have pickup up from the tone of my reply I am a bit off when someone just tries to shoot down a design just because they can. Most of the owners around the world that have build and flown the 601XL have put a lot of money and time and effort into their aircraft. We would like to see the name cleared in the future as much as everyone else. This has already occurred with other aircraft that have had to undergo modification for structural failings and these days they again have a very good reputation in the industry. If everyone is just putting on the aircraft this will never happen. I am not saying that the mods will fix everything my crystal ball is still a little fogy on that one, (I am not an arm chair expert so I cannot say for sure) but I will put some trust into the designers and the other experts that it will. So if you do not have a stake in the aircraft then please let the ones that do get on with job of getting them back in the air and get the name back. This will never happen while we are beating it down to death. If they fail after that then we will be the first to find out. Ianrat CH601XL Brisbane Australia.
I agree with Paul. I am also building a 601XL. I researched the 601XL for a number of years before purchasing a kit. I was and still am very happy with the aircraft the way it is. As Paul and others have stated NO one in the world has come up with a definite reason for the failure of the aircraft. There are a lot of people ready to give their thoughts on what has happened but there is no definite cause. No one can say for certain that the aircraft were not subjected to missus or neglect (Some people have stated this) prior to or at the time of the accident or there is in fact a structural defect with the aircraft. As these are only rumors I personally cannot and will not confirm or disregard them as fact. There is a brand of commercial airliner in use that has caused more deaths and has had more near crashes than the 601XL but they are still in the air. As for the designer not helping may be the reason for this is they have confidence in the design. There demonstrator has over 1000 hours on it with no signs of stress when they pulled it down to do the mods. May be the designer has just decided to over design it to buggery to shut up the critics out there. It is my belief that all of the factory build 601XL have been grounded and all other owner build experimental aircraft have been asked not to fly until they have considered the mods the original post to this thread should be answered by this. I am not aware of any 601XL being flown in Australia at the moment without the mods. I have spoken in person to both Michael and Sebastian Heinz and I believe they are all working to finally put the issue to rest. As Paul has stated if there are more failures after the mods have been completed then you can say you told us so. Ianrat 601XL Brisbane Australia
After 4 years scratch building, 19-7105 Zenith 701 finally took to the skies today. Peter and Danny have put a lot of effort into this plane. It is powered by a Suzuki 1300 with a Raven Re-drive. There was a little bit of a problem with the aftermarket engine control computer that slowed the final flight down by a few days. After a bit of tweaking it took flight and completed a few circuits. Now we can get back to work on the other XL 601 that we are also building. [ATTACH]8984.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8985.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8986.vB[/ATTACH] Ianrat
Here are the contact details for the supplier that i purchased my pop rivets from here in Brisbane. SUN STATE FASTENERS Call Ross 0408 456 380 Ianrat
The CH601XL is still getting the Fifth Bearing fitted to the engine so we are a little way off yet. Been spending a lot of time bringing the third CH601XL that our Friend is building up to speed. This has slowed us down a little as well. On the other hand the CH701 is at the airport right now and it has passed the final inspections and will start flight testing this weekend. It should have been last weekend but due to the winds up here we had to cancel. Will keep you posted. :thumb_up: Ianrat
I bought some he in Brisbane. I will have to get the contact details for you tomorrow. Ian Ratcliffe