We have a 701 ready for painting. I have looked at both the Savannah and the 701. They both have some good features, we preferred the 701 for a number of reasons. it has a full flying rudder (the whole rudder turns not just the rear section) this good for slow STOL maneuvering. It has a large window above your head, this has been useful when we had another plan trying to land at the same time as us and he was just above us and he did not see us but we were able to see him through the window.
While at Oshkosh this year we had a good look at the new CH750. This is an excellent aircraft. It has many improvement over the 701. It now has adjustable seats (fore and aft) a redesigned baggage area, a different dash with greater visibility and now will accommodate the larger engine configurations. The kit now comes with matching pre drilled holes (like wing sheets to ribs). It is also wider in the cabin area, this is a great plus for the comfort of the pilot and passenger. I would strongly advise you to have a look at the new CH750 on the Zenith site.