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Everything posted by mechfx

  1. Hey Baph, any chance of pictures of your mates installation please ?
  2. some creative editing involved I think. Smoke and Mirrors
  3. Test run of a profile I drew from scratch
  4. TLA is my favourite.......Three Letter Acronym
  5. I'd like to contact the owner to get some flight characteristics/numbers. Art
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay0hr-2N5oM
  7. I have both and the FAA book is more entertaining for the want of a better description. I think the graphics are more engaging making the information easier to relate to. Very unusual for a government publication. Art
  8. I can highly recommend the FAA Rotorcraft Flying Handbook as a first chopper book. Easy to read with excellent easy to understand graphics, and there's even a section on Gyroplanes..... Amazon.com: Rotorcraft Flying Handbook (Updated Edition) (9781602399976): Federal Aviation Administration: Books
  9. I'm reading Nancy Birds book "My God! It's a woman. Half way through and its one of the best aviation books I've ever found. Numerous amazing stories have been told so far but the one that has got me thinking is the almost unbelievable information that when Amy Johnson flew from England to Australia in 1929 she only had 100hrs solo flying time in her log book, had never flown further than 169 miles non stop and made it on 95 HP !!!!! What chance would this story have of being told these days ?
  10. Just found this footage on youtube of the Stratos prototype flying and the sixty minutes story... Wow.... Art
  11. how many helicopter pilots does it take to change a light bulb ? My old heli school at maroochydore Qld
  12. I have an early Sapphire as well, still haven't flown yet, want to get my experience up a bit first. I've heard of someone who fitted a simple flaps/form drag device to the wheel struts, and also another version that pops up behind the pilot in the area between the wings. My Sapphire has the motor positioned the right way up (not inverted) so this creates more drag than others and supposedly easier landing characteristics. I dont have any pictures so hope someone else out there can help. Do you have a copy of an operating handbook ? Art
  13. Cri Cri pics from Wedderburn last year VH registered through he SAAA
  14. Anyone out there have a Sapphire POH available ? ideally MK1 but any version would be a great start. I'll gladly pay for copying/postage. cheers, Art
  15. HI Gordon and welcome, I spent a little time in Edmonton when I was a kid (early 70's), hope you enjoy the forum, Art
  16. I reckon the Sapphire is a good candidate for electric power conversion. Fast, light and proven to fly well on 40kw.
  17. had to look up Grandfather's Axe....... I know exactly what you mean.....
  18. It would be great to share as much information as possible. Here's an example of how good they can be, from the Queensland Ultralight Assoc. Newsletter.
  19. a few laps around Eumundi markets........... Nice !!!!
  20. Hi Mick, Art here, based out of Wyangala. I have a Sapphire at the Oaks... The Brumby is a sweet machine... Welcome to the forum
  21. another happy customer, well done Ross.:big_grin:
  22. Arrived today, play tomorrow..... big thanks.. Art
  23. Count me in for 1 please , will pm you today....
  24. thanks everyone for the help so far. I have decided to postpone my transition to the Sapphire for a while. No rush . Will stick to the Jab and Lightwing for my flying fun until I get a few more hours in the log book . Keep the advice coming though if you can. every little bit helps. Art
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