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Everything posted by mechfx

  1. thanks for that will ring in the morning.... Art
  2. Hi, can anyone recommend somewhere to by a couple of AN bolts in Sydney area ? thanks in advance, Art
  3. very very cool.....
  4. Managed another hour in the Lightwing on the weekend after 3 weeks of dodgy weather, things starting to fall into shape now, sight picture making sense, heel brakes not so weird anymore. Even managed a controlled downwind taxi and a "greaser" landing , I hope thats a good thing. Actually enjoyed the challenge and looking forward to the next episode. Flying is great isn't it ? Art
  5. Hi, looks like I'll be spending a bit of time in Broken hill later this year, just wondering if there are any members in that area with some local knowledge to share ? I should have my Sapphire with me so hoping to spend some time in the air looking around the district. I've contacted the local aero club already and they seem pretty friendly. cheers, Art
  6. Last Sapphire flight of previous owner. Watch Now!
  7. found this for you. Rotaxparts.net and 800-Airwolf specializes in Rotax Parts for Ultralight and amature built aircraft. We ship worldwide and offer services in English and Español. We ship our rotax parts world wide. - 800-Airwolf Rotax Parts Online Store features Ultr $835 US plus freight
  8. How about a Taildragger ? better to diversify than just get another version of the service you offer already ?
  9. thanks everyone thats exactly the sort of info I was hoping for. My Sapphire is one of the early ones , so no flaps and semi open cockpit. The motor (377) is in the upright position so is inducing a bit of drag. I'm hoping it wont want to float too much. A lot to learn.... cheers Art
  10. Thats my understanding too, hence the Lightwing lessons and the "supervised ground runs". I'm definitely not leaving the ground until legal and comfortable with my knowledge level , I hope the forum can be a good source of shared info before I take to the air. Any experience you'd like to pass on ???? Cheers, Art
  11. 2 hrs of supervised ground runs today, I'm exhausted. the first time the tail lifted I thought I was going over ! but got used to it after a while. I've been told it will feel like it flies low in the nose compared to a Jab anyway. I have booked a lesson in a Lightwing taildragger tomorrow so am looking forward to another adventure. Anyone have any recommendations when trying a new type for the first time ? cheers, Art
  12. its officially mine !!! papers signed today. Taildragger endorsement starts next week (hopefully) Art
  13. Finally found the pics of my old setup. Was a converted boat trailer, just removed all unneeded bits and had 3 pieces of aluminium checker plate folded into trays and ramps. Was very light and seemed to handle not too badly. I had a shoulder injury at the time so lifting 50kg around was uncomfortable. You cant tell from the photos but the ladder frame holding the wing was on a pivoting mount from the front nudge bar. I would unbolt from the back edge, swing the frame (and wing) onto the ground at the rear. (half the load was then still held from the front) Walk around the front and disconnect the frame from the pivot (half the weight now supported by the ground at the back) You could then wheel the wing and frame(wheels stay connected to the frame) to the setup area, remove the wing and take the frame back to the car. sounds a bit complicated but it worked well. This probably doesn't help at all, sorry.....:) Art
  14. Something like this ? (pic from Narromine 07), the owner is an Airbrush artist.. Art
  15. probably not exactly what you are looking for but I noticed the Airborne website has a trailer plan for download. hope that might help Art
  16. how can we get the Sapphire its own section in the types area, "other rec aircraft " doesn't seem to do these great little planes justice...... Ian ???
  17. Thanks for the replies, keep em coming. This one is an early version with the thicker wing profile (no Flaps, half screen) and running a 377 at the moment. Tail dragger training hopefully starts next weekend. I'm not the sort of person who rushes into things so I'll be taking my time. I'm still not sure what comes with the plane so I'm not sure what I'll need to get a hold of. (a copy of a POH would be handy ???) There is another Sapphire at the Oaks and another I saw at the Wedderburn open day last weekend. About a year ago I saw one on a trailer at the servo near Marulan and had a chat with the owner who had just bought it and was heading South I think. And Obviously there is the "Sapphire on a stick " just off the highway at Holbrook. I've always appreciated the shape and was intending looking for a plane later on, but when the situation presented itself and with Christmas coming up and I've been a very good boy then, well I couldn't let it pass. The very few regrets I've had in life are related to things I sold which I should have kept or things I didn't buy that I should have taken home.... Wasn't going to let this one go. Can anyone relate ???? Art
  18. What is the best place to get info on the Sapphire ? any owners groups or books/manuals out there ? I think I bought one this morning ! cheers, Art
  19. At the Wedderburn open day yesterday there was a book for sale on the history of Bankstown airport. Anyone happen to buy it or know about it ? Maybe some pics in there ???? cheers Art
  20. Thanks John I will definitely take you up on that when I can. Do you mean Townsville airport ??? Art
  21. Dont want to hijack the thread but I'm working in Townsville for the next 7 weeks and would love to come and say Hello, I think I may have even riden past today on the way to the Charters Towers show (I was bored !) any day better than another Sat/Sun ? Only got my Licence 4 weeks ago so any excuse to see anything that flies is a good one. cheers, Art
  22. . 02 not .002 !!!!!
  23. I heard triumph engineers in the 70's were stopped from releasing a Triumph Television on to market because they couldn't figure out how to stop it leaking oil....
  24. Thanks for that. I might try and pop in this weekend to the Property next door, see if they still use it. I'm also going to be at the SAAA Cowra gathering. cheers, Art
  25. Anyone know of an unlicensed airstrip at Werribee NSW, near the town of Woodstock , between Cowra and Bathurst ? It shows on a WAC chart I have from 2001. I live nearby, just wondering cheers Art
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