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  1. Have to agree with you there robinsm. I think of todays kids learning to drive. No they should not get into a situation where the car is in a slide on a wet roundabout because they entered to fast. But they do. Should they all be made drive on a Skidpan to understand what it feels like and how to react. Sometimes i do. Spin training the same? When i was doing my PPL with Lester the Tester at Sunshine Coast Aircharter in 84, it was demonstrated within the first few hours. Loved it in old 172. Still clearly remember the day " under the hood" on limited panel doing unusual attitudes. Do Raa students need similar kind of training for that once in a flying lifetime moment they might need it. It costs more money, an approved plane and rule changes. Sometimes i do!
  2. You would have looked up Super Long Eze on the internet to see all the mods that have been done to fix some of these issues. Also the amazing BERKUT 540. Now thats an aeroplane. I was at Caloundra about 2 or 3 months ago and there was a Long Eze going for a very quick lap and i think parked back in a hanger there. Maybe looking up SAAA register might help.
  3. This kind of flying reminds me of when i worked in the AG industry. Especially the water sking.
  4. Dont know if this has been Posted before.Pretty cool! http://www.vid4fun.com/video_player/index.php?vid=103
  5. Thanks Daniel. Just interested to know.
  6. Just out of interest,how much Drifter is in a Boorabee. I was wondering if a Boorabee wing would match to - say a Super Drifter, creating a SB. Would it be worth it.Cleaner wing - maybe a few more knots-higher stall speed?
  7. Thanks! Hope for good weather.
  8. What date for Clifton?
  9. Would be a great little plane with a new 503 in it. Will have to look it up in the history chronicals.
  10. Yep. Panther for sure. The other is what i would like to do to a Tyro. Add Drifter under carriage. Also add Drifter ailerion control rods instead cables and pullies.Would clean up aerodynamics greatly.
  11. If its a TYRO its highly modified. Totaly different under carriage. No bungie. Different tail to. I like it though. Clean and simple.
  12. MJW

    Drifter Pics

    Happy New Guys an Girls, hope its safe flying for everyone for another year.
  13. Both great aircraft for what they were designed for.
  14. Thanks Ian.Look forward to it.
  15. I am a non current RAA and GA (CPL) from Sunshine Coast. Helping kids with best education i can afford at the moment.I eat,sleep,dream flying just like you guys.CPL on 206 cessna and RAA on skyfox and drifter. Dont think you have really flown till youve front seated a drifter or similar.Look forward to asking you some questions later sometime.
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