Sorry you took it to hart, it was not meant to be. In all the good coments made by every one yes im the first to admit that Jabiru need to do some tidying up on lots of things but so do all the manufactures on all the aircraft and engines, if you take the time to realy look around as i scruitinise every aircraft and engine that i can get near some of the things you see make your hiar curl and they are straight out of the factory.I see so many mistreated aircraft and engines i just shake my head and walk away but when it fails the por old manufacturer is the first to get blamed even if it is not his fault whether he could have made the product better or not . I know of a 3300 jab moter that will get an oil change when ever and not the oil filter, the owner says when i queried it , said no need to change it, said its okay you dont have to change them every time as its a waste of money, also the aircraft is never taken for a fly first to warm up the oil before draining it . Its only a matter of time before it goes bang and poor old manufacturer will get the blame agian whether it goes bang through design fault or poor maintenace. As some one brought up about shoddy lame people out there i have seen a few and no they are not all like that as there is some very good ones out there. My jab is maintaned 110 percent i do not let any one put a spanner on it as i am an ex heavy mechanic and very fussy about what i do whether its for me or some one else as there is a thing called pride in your work,.Today it seems to be a thing of the past no matter where you look in most cases.
Regards Ray