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Everything posted by j230

  1. Hi I've done the trip four times fuel stops have always been Ceduna Forrest Esperance as I go to Busselton but you could follow railway line Forrest to Kalgoorlie . Forrest has a big hanger you can put your plane in over night also you have to watch out for the great Australian bight sea fog so Forrest is a good stop if you have to. The weather has never been friendly on this run for me as you go through different weather patterns .
  2. j230

    How safe is the Jabiru?

    It was I follow roads
  3. Could it be Renmark
  4. Second strip should be Loxton
  5. j230

    How safe is the Jabiru?

    Hi I've been flying jabs for 18 years in all sorts of weather from one side of Australia to the other from Bunderburg toBusselton 300ks south of Perth and never let me down. For the past four years I've owned a j230d fully optioned which has allowed me to fly through some really horrific weather a lot of I.f.r. And has got me there safely. The cost I've found wright across the board to maintain and insure your aircraft properly has been approximately $135 an hour you might think that's a bit steep but my Jab is still as brand new keep your plane upto scratch and it won't let you down flown lots of different planes including G.A and still prefer my jab
  6. Hi Thirsty Thanks for the reply. Ive flown many an hour in the jab that went down which was a quite a few years ago, great little plane. Regards Ray
  7. Hi Have you heard from the pilot on exactly what happened
  8. Sorry you took it to hart, it was not meant to be. In all the good coments made by every one yes im the first to admit that Jabiru need to do some tidying up on lots of things but so do all the manufactures on all the aircraft and engines, if you take the time to realy look around as i scruitinise every aircraft and engine that i can get near some of the things you see make your hiar curl and they are straight out of the factory.I see so many mistreated aircraft and engines i just shake my head and walk away but when it fails the por old manufacturer is the first to get blamed even if it is not his fault whether he could have made the product better or not . I know of a 3300 jab moter that will get an oil change when ever and not the oil filter, the owner says when i queried it , said no need to change it, said its okay you dont have to change them every time as its a waste of money, also the aircraft is never taken for a fly first to warm up the oil before draining it . Its only a matter of time before it goes bang and poor old manufacturer will get the blame agian whether it goes bang through design fault or poor maintenace. As some one brought up about shoddy lame people out there i have seen a few and no they are not all like that as there is some very good ones out there. My jab is maintaned 110 percent i do not let any one put a spanner on it as i am an ex heavy mechanic and very fussy about what i do whether its for me or some one else as there is a thing called pride in your work,.Today it seems to be a thing of the past no matter where you look in most cases. Regards Ray
  9. To my 2cents worth Well you sound just like a typical jab noker. Firstly i had an engine failure and it wasnt a jab moter it was a Rotax but i dont nock Rotaxs as there are plenty of good ones out there. I personly know a jab nocker who had a Savanah with a 100 hp rotax and also nocked jabs even his wife shit canned them.In saying that they now have a j230 and state its the best thing they have ever done and have never had an ounce of trouble with it. I have been flying jabs for 17 years and have never had to put down because of engine trouble. I also fly a j230 and have flown it just about all over Australia and it has never missed a beet . A lot of time it has to do with the way they are treated . If you want to climb them out at 60 or 70 kts yes you will have trouble with them as they get to hot. I know of a j230 that has been continualy climbed out at those speeds and has cooked it 4 times the last time pistons were blue not the moters fault but operaters fault. I know of another 230 which is hamered all the time but climbed out at 90 to 100 kts and has never missed a beet so its more to do with operater missuse or ignorance and not knowing the correct operating procedures. It sounds like you have never owned a jab only taken notice of the bashers. Yes they do have some problems but so do they all and rotax has the same problems exept people dont talk about it so much. THe fly in to Wentworth the other week end and in landing at Renmark there were 20 Jabiru,s there only 3 other brands of aircraft so i gues that must say something At our airfield there are 5 jabs 2 other aircraft and one of the other aircraft even has a jab moter in it. None of us have had an ounce of trouble. You dont see glider tugs with rotaxs in them but you see 170 and 230 jabs towing up full size gliders ,maybe before you can a product you should buy one and treat it correctly and then make up you mind. If you want to come to Kadina airfield i will be only to happy to take you up and you can then make up you mind if you should never get back in one. No im not just a jab lover i have an open mind on all brands of aicraft and engines. Hope your flying goes well in what ever you fly in. Regards Ray P.S dont take this to hart but try to keep an open mind in flying and not listen to much to the nockers on any aircraft .
  10. Hi Ron Top news will be up there in the next 4 weeks will let you know so you can give us a demonstration flight. Will let you know when we are coming up so it works in with you. Cheers Ray
  11. Hi Ron Its great to see you have your plane in the air at last you must now be a free bird. If i had known when the maiden flight was i would have flown up for the event, You must have been like a kid at xmas time when you landed , i bet the grin was from ear to ear. Will fly up soon to see you on a Saturday morning when the weather is fine. Regards Ray rhyne J230 Kadina
  12. Hi Locky Well its good to hear from you yes time fly,s. Callum is 20 and 6ft 6 fed him fertilizer how about your family what are they up to. Sounds good living on a boat we did it for three and a half years on a 50 ft ocean going yacht, what sort of boat do you have and how does Sue like it. Have the kids left home yet. The plane you are picking up is it a super cat and how are you getting it home. The j230 needs at least 600 mts and you have to have things go wright but to be safe you need at least 800 mts . Do you still have any property or is the boat now home. I looked up sherlock and it is only 40minutes from here as the j230 sits on 120kts usualy but you would never land one on a 300 mt strip. Where are you going to keep the plane when you get it back home. How is your shoulder going as you were having quarterzone injections in it when you were here. I have retired now as im heading towards 70 now and have just had both knees replaced and there not going to well yet hoping they get a lot better. Let me know when you are ariving as i might be able to get over to Murry Bridge if we can get over the hills and it is not to far out of your road, i would think it would be 20 to 30 minutes from where you are and then you would head to mannum and on to Mildura if not we will have to try and catch up some other time. Say hallo to Sue and the girls for us . Regards Ray and family 0400713996
  13. Hi there is no such thing as a SHELL CARD any more only B.P and Mobil carnet cards. Regards Ray
  14. Hi Ryan I fly a j230 from Kadina S.A and have done the trip to Bundy a few times and there is no pr oblem at Bourke. First of all there is nobody out there but there is a good departure lounge toilets and showers with a kitchen all free. If you have a credit card or a master debit card you dont have a problem also look up your ERSA and ph the fuel contracter rob you wont have a problem. As far as Saint Goerge goes you only have to ph there three days before and arange your fuel as they are very helpfull. They will even come out on Sunday but there is a $20 call out fee which you give to the person who willingly comes out . All fuel at Saint Goerge is cash only. I ph them the night before i leave for Saint Goarge ,the next morning to confirm that i am still coming and half an hour out. Everything is in your ERSA. Regards Ray P.S You dont need an ASIC card there unless you want to show it to the Camels. Maybe its time you aplied for an ASIC card cause if you go to Busselton W.A it has a sign on gates get caught without wearing it and its a $5000 fine
  15. Hi David There is a fellow by the name of locky Hill comes from the same part of the world as you just jioned up and is looking to get back into flying, do you know him if not you will find him on the site at the begining , a very interresting guy. Cheers Ray jab j230
  16. Hi Locky Ray Rhyne the other Thuster over from you at kadina
  17. Hi LockyHow are you and the family.Are you at Atherton Q.L.d or V.I.c. Isent you a couple of emails maybe you did not get them.Its Ray Rhyne from Kadina i had the other thruster just over from you.Still flying now have a J230 Jabiru Regards Ray
  18. Hi Ive been flying Jabs for 750 hrs now and yes i have to say the only problem ive had is a couple of noisy camfollowers and when i picked up the new 230 two years ago i had to camp under the wing at Bourke as i ran out of daylight.The next morning it refused to start but there was a quarter of an inch of ice all over the plane. once i drilled out the chocke jet to 1.2ml in the bottom of the fuel bowl ive never had another problem. Some people seem to have more trouble than others and it is iether they are just unlucky or the way they treat them. Saying they are only good for paper weights is a bit rought as Rotaxs have problems to and all other makes none are perfect its just the one you choos and you hope you have a good run out of it. Regards Ray
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