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Everything posted by Aldo

  1. Oscar As a general rule I don't look at most comments as criticism and I value your far greater knowledge than mine on a lot of aviation subjects as well as your well thought out responses and comments (and I'm not P'ing in your pocket here) Yes and it was considered when we did the mods, it was a few hundred hours ago now but if I remember correctly I think I measured 85db (loudest), I have the correct instrumentation for noise measurements so I will measure it again in a number of configurations and let you know the results. Once I have those results if necessary I will look into some noise reduction mods, you may have some ideas. As a general rule yes noise it not much of a problem but I do fly into places like Archerfield, Toowoomba, Redcliffe, Caloundra (both noise sensitive areas). It's certainly not as noisy as a 210 or Navajo. Regards Allan
  2. Oscar I will check on the oil cooler but it is the latest Jab 6 cylinder cooler Allan
  3. Oscar Sorry if that's how it came across I wasn't taking it as criticism. Yes 25 hrs is maybe a little more than necessary (but oil and filters are cheap) and as I average 8 to 10 hrs a week it doesn't take long to come around, the main changes I made were to the exhaust system and I discussed these with Ian prior to making the modifications. 3 x 1-1/4 pipes into a collector then a single 2" pipe out to atmosphere on both sides. This mod dropped both the oil temp and the CHT, I always run straight avgas and the largest jetting on the carby. Fuel consumption averages around 25 lph and up to 28 lph if I'm fully loaded. It seems to work for me but that doesn't mean it will work for all and I'm a long way from being knowledgeable on the subject. I use the Jab recommended (in my POH) warm-up 1 min at 1200 and 2 min at 1600 by the time I have taxied to the threshold oil temp is at 50C and head temps at 290-300F (run ups are completed on the run) I don't dilly/dally around and I have no traffic to wait for in most cases. Average time from start up to wheels off is about 5 min and by the time I'm at 500 feet head temps are back to 280 and falling. I fly at 2900-2950 all the time with head temps at 275 or lower, what is interesting to note is that when I pull the power back to 2800 at top of descent the head temp rises back to 280-290 (I guess this is from less fuel flow). Regards Aldo
  4. DP This type of comment is what keeps the GA/RA b...s going we are all flying, I'm both but when flying I try to fly to commercial standard all the time. As a general rule RA pilots manipulate the controls better because they have to, but they generally fall down in the areas of radio, navigation (and by this I mean total reliance on an electronic form or not trained correctly) and air legislation there is also some who think the rules are not for RA and this continues to be a problem for RA and will do so until we get it sorted. It doesn't matter whether you are GA or RA if you are not current and by that I mean doing at least 5 hrs (personally I don't think this is enough) a month then you are not competent and there are plenty of pilots in this category on both sides of the fence. Don't forget that you have come from GA continue to fly as if you were GA and help drag RA to the standards we should be at, we then have a chance of getting controlled airspace privileges and everything else that GA has available to them. Aldo
  5. We were given the day off school to watch it and yes just like it was yesterday. Amazing
  6. Oscar If you are referring to my comments above it's probably not relevant to my situation as I do a 25 hr oil change approximately every 2 weeks. I personally am more concerned with oil temperatures than anything else from my experience. Aldo
  7. I think a lot of you guy's are missing the point here, the debate is not whether you are Christian or Muslim (or any other religion for that matter) but how you assimilate into our society. I have spent the better part of 20 years living and working overseas in countries such as Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, Oman, Dubai and Abu Dhabi to mention but a few. I have good friends in all of these countries both Muslim and Christian and none of them would lift a finger to hurt any one of us but; In Australia (and most western countries that I have been in) the people are Australian first (or if you are a Queenslander then it is Queensland), family next then everything after that, in the predominately Muslim countries it is Islam first (above all else, some of this is imposed by the government but mainly by the Imams and clerics ) then country, family and whatever comes after that. The Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian conflict should bear testament to that, neighbours who had been friends for years were suddenly enemies due to differences in religion and ethnic origin, we can not allow that to happen in this country. Australia is by far the best country in the world to live in and due to my experience I believe I'm qualified to make that assumption, yes we have to put up with a bit of regulation that is over the top and the recent governments are a cluster f!! but all in all there is no better place in the world to live. I have no issue with anyone wanting to immigrate to Australia (regardless of you race or religion) providing you take up our way of life, I do not want you coming here and bring all the sh1t from your previous country with you and creating little whatever it is in our cities, that is supposedly the reason you are leaving because if it was a great place you would stay there and we would all want to immigrate to where you came from, the reason for you coming here is because you didn't like it where you were. Waleed Aly is part of the problem while he comes across sounding really good in all the television interviews and has some excellent arguments, he supposedly agrees with Sharia Law, there is in my opinion no place in this country for Sharia Law. From my observations Asians are some of the most racist groups that I have come across in my time spent overseas, a few examples Indonesians hate the West Timorise and Papuans because they are black, the Indonesians hate the Chinese (because the Chinese run a lot of the business in Indonesia), the Malays hate the Chinese (for the same reason as the Indonesians) the Malays also don't like the Singaporeans essentially due to their success, Singaporeans do not like the Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and the Burmese (because they take so many of the jobs as they are paid nothing compared to the Singaporeans). The Indians hate the Pakistanis and the Bangladeshis and vice versa for all three. Part of this resentment of other races is because of colour and part is because of religion and part is because they take the available jobs. Pauline Hanson gets a voice because the governments of the day (both Liberal and Labour) no longer have any assimilation with the average person in the street they don't listen to the peoples concerns and they appear to treat the general population as idiots. Malcolm Turnbull is the perfect example of this and I vote LNP (lower house) I do live in country Queensland and grew up on a large property but I have spent over 4000 hours as a passenger in commercial jets travelling this world so I have a pretty good idea what happens both inside and outside this country. Anyway end of rant I have put my flak jacket on to withstand the onslaught. Aldo
  8. Seb I have a 230, serial number 174 I have over 1000 hrs (first engine) I have found most important thing is oil temp make sure you have the latest oil cooler and cowl also as Bob has said above a lip on the bottom of the cowl. I also changed the exhaust 3 pipes on each side into a collector and a 2" pipe from the collector, removed the log muffler altogether made a huge difference to the cooling. Oil temps don't get above 85c even on a 35+ day out of Roma and CHT's run around 275f consistently. If you want some photos of my set up let me know. Aldo
  9. Ryan Call Scott Jones at Jones Air in St George he will know if there is anything suitable tell him Allan from Tara suggested you give him a call. Aldo
  10. Forget the go pro and everything else just go learn to fly, listen to what your instructor has to tell you and go from there. It will take you as long as it takes it is not a race. Enjoy the learning and do everything you can to be the best pilot you can be, you might find it is not all about manipulating the controls. Aldo
  11. I only use a LAME to do my work he ensures all AD's SB's are current and signs off on each one, might cost me a little more but at least I know they are done, how do I know because every time I get a service done he goes and checks for the latest updates with me present. Aldo
  12. Andrew Last time I was there it was pretty simple actually contact the Ops or ARO person get them to send you the documentation for requesting a slot fill it out send it back if I remember correctly it cost $11 or the landing fee. I was in a 182 though not sure with RA erg if that is what you are in. They couldn't have been more helpful. Aldo
  13. Not many do
  14. Dutch As a general rule I normally find your posts quite well thought out and informative although on this occasion I have to disagree. You may believe the “love it or leave” campaign is politically driven (personally I don’t take too much notice of it) but these campaigns only see the light of day when the public get to the point where they are sick and tired of not being listened to and lied to by all and sundry, I believe the Australian public is close approaching this point. I also believe this is why Donald Trump will get elected in the upcoming US election and a major reason as to why the Brits voted themselves out of the EU. This country presently doesn’t appear on the surface to have any real political direction, most politicians are swayed by the left leaning do gooders because that is the feel good part of society that tends to ignore the realities of life and they want to get re-elected, the far right can also have the same effect but generally not to the same degree as they don’t pull as hard on the heart strings. I also believe one of the reasons we have very little political direction is that politics is now a lifetime job, way back in the dim dark ages most people got into politics to effect change, they then got out and let the next person come in and effect the next lot of change, the sooner we have maximum three (3) terms allowed in politics for all politicians the sooner we will get positive direction for this country. What is good for the country doesn’t mean you will necessarily be liked for it. I don’t follow the “love it or leave” brigade, I do though advocate supporting Australia and Australians first (that includes all Australians regardless of ethnic or religious backgrounds, providing they want to integrate into our Australian way of life and not impose their previous way of life upon us, as appears to be happening in ever increasing situations). I’m not anti-immigration (providing it is done through the correct channels and not on boats paid for by wealthy individuals, as the last time I looked people smugglers didn’t provide this service for free just to help out the refugees) I’m not anti-Muslim (or any other religion for that matter) you are free to have whatever beliefs you want that is what this country was built on, just don’t expect everyone to have the same beliefs you have and they are not wrong for having different beliefs. I do though heed my own advice, I support my own community first, I do buy Australian goods and produce (if available) first and I do support the government of the day regardless of whether I agree or not with their policies, I will though fight against the policies that I don’t agree with. I personally have never met Pauline Hanson so I’m unable to comment one way or another whether she is bright or not, she certainly is not eloquent or articulate but she is smart enough to get quite a lot of support by having the guts to voice in public what a lot of people think but are not prepared to come out and say. Most people serve their country in one way or another, you (my daughter also) have served this country by way of military service and I for one will be forever grateful for the service that military personnel provide for this country. I do suspect though if we are to peel back the layers a little the reason you joined the air force in the beginning was to learn to fly, the service was a by-product of joining the air force to learn to fly (I may be wrong and apologise if I am, you may be one of the few who really understood the concept of serving the country). Most 17/18 year olds don’t understand the concept of going to war to serve their country. I’ve served the country by supporting the economy being a net importer of cash (in excess of $2M) over a period of 15 years or so, I did this by working (sometimes living) in some of the most remote places in the world, all my cash was brought back to Australia and put into our economy at zero cost to the Australian tax payer (not saying this didn't also benefit myself as well). I am 1/8th aboriginal, I have never claimed or received a government benefit, I prefer to get off my backside, not complain and go to work. I continue to serve this country by providing jobs for people at my own risk (and hopefully reward), my house, property and everything I own is on the line every day. I'm no hero and I don't expect to be treated to any differently than anyone else, I just do what is expected of everyone who lives in this great country. I’m not implying you should leave the country, but let’s apply a little logic to that comment. You work for the big "Q", let’s assume you put all your support behind the big "V" how long do you think it would be before Mr J said you best go pick another airline to work for (live in). Aldo
  15. Rich I would have said a and d never seen the others as a requirement but I would suggest a radio at all times Aldo
  16. Bex Ours is not conventional manufacturing we don't manufacture to sell we design and build our own equipment to support our rental business so we're not subject to the same cost pressures you may have been, additionally we are in oil & gas both conventional & unconventional so there is a better return on our investment than conventional manufacturing. I can fully understand why you have decided to set up business elsewhere, Australia is not supportive of local manufacturing and the less that is made here the more expensive it is to make it here so it becomes an ever increasing spiral to the bottom until we will have no local manufacturing in Australia. From that point onward we are at the mercy of our international suppliers much the same as we are with fuel but that is another story. Aldo
  17. Marty Regardless of what side of politics you subscribe to Pauline Hanson supports the following and she is happy to stand up and say so. Australians first Australian manufacturing first (which is why she has a Jab) Australian jobs first Australian business first I don't necessarily subscribe to all of Hanson's views but I do own and operate a business which is involved in manufacturing and provide jobs for 20 families (which are in fact all paid well above the award wage) and I do agree with all of the above. (Marty the following is not directed at you but a general comment) If you are Australian and you don't support Australia first you probably should have a good long look at yourself and pick another country to go live in. Aldo
  18. Nathan 172/182/206/J230 no problem for any of these, just have to watch the breaking if it is dry, practice some short field approaches before you go and remember you don't have to land it first go plenty of time to get the approach right and be comfortable with the landing. Aldo
  19. SSCBD I imagine if Aust is on your left and you are heading north you will be on the best side of Aust (east coast)haha Aldo
  20. Sean Orchid beach is still ok, contact the Orchid beach trading post they will take you to where you want to camp (and tell you everything you need to know about the airstrip), check on you each morning and afternoon to see if you need anything and pick you up to return you to your aircraft. It is a great place to get away for the weekend. If all you have landed on is bitumen then no doubt you may find it a little disconcerting but that is the way it is when you go to out of the way places. I will be going back up there in October for a long weekend. Aldo
  21. Jabba There are three things which are able to change these stats, maybe we don't reach the standards of other countries in these three areas. Training Practice (i.e. hours in the seat) Airmanship (I believe this is the most important of all) For some reason in Australia we think we can thumb our noses at the rules (like them or not) and do what we like (I see it all the time) without any consequences, well the consequences are in those stats. I fly class G, E, Control & restricted most weeks and the ATC requirements are not (in my opinion) excessive. I was speaking to a CASA representative last week following an evening held in Toowoomba around airspace changes in the Oakey, Wellcamp, Toowoomba area (which I wasn't able to attend) and he told me that one of the attendees told him at the meeting that his instructor (RAA) has told him not to have his transponder on, not to turn on his radio and if he did have his radio on not to talk to anyone, beggars belief. The sooner we get past the idea that the regs are there to annoy us and start to follow all of them the sooner we will get the stats inline with the other countries. Aldo
  22. Sounds like you are organised and the route is how I would plan it, good to have a second pilot. Enjoy your trip Aldo
  23. Sorry don't know the type. Speed, range, one/two people travelling, your experience, your recent experience. You have some pretty crappy country to cross to get west of the range but once past that it is pretty easy going, the further west/north you get the less landmarks there are to verify your position make sure your Nav skills are up to scratch keep a good log, use 6 minute markers on your chart for easy ground speed calcs for when your GPS or Ozrunways decides not to work. Aldo
  24. What are you flying?
  25. Don't know why you wouldn't use Wagga but there are four others that are on the charts within 20 miles Aldo
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