Wrote this in haste so hope it makes sense.
Many Master Mariners of Indian and Sri Lankan decent depart their seaward ways to work in Australia as draft surveyors. This is the case here where I currently reside. They do a great job, long hours, shitty hours, little rest and so on. Biggest reason why they change sides is because of better conditions and opportunities. The companies that employ them do so happily as it is very difficult to attract Australian men and women to the industry. The employment conditions and salary etc are no different as to whether they're black or white. The difference with ex-Master Mariners working for Australian companies in this sector is that they have the experience...years of experience.
I can understand why Qantas would want to go off-shore to recruit pilots if it means paying them less than their Australian counterparts and increasing the profit margin (afterall Qantas is a profit making ASX listed company, not a charity); but I don't agree with bringing in Indian blokes with little domestic experience or marginal international route exposure. Actually I don't agree with employing any Indian national in our airline estaiblishments. As previously posted by other members - to open to coruption, fraud, lack of experience etc etc back at home. The other side I can understand...pilots have not had/ever had real decent salaries during their training or early years on the job (unless you were with Ansett) so there'd be an argument to pay them a higher salary (within reason) now to make up for the years of living out of a suitcase and a hundred thousand dollar training/educational bill.
Making sense?...hmmm, dunno