Today was the day . Solo in the circuits. Wind was 340 Magnetic variable, 2 KT. Rwy 36 and 32 used. 1 hr of dual with the CFI followed by a single sircuit solo. Did I walk away happy with my performance? Well, that hour spent with the CFI was the worst of my flying training ever. I didn't forget per se but neglected to take notice of some pretty basic stuff. Not enough right rudder on roll, not enough right rudder on climb, left bank from upwind to cross wind at 70kt as opposed to the 80Kt's that I've always been doing. Flare was ordinary. I think the CFI got a bit peeved off on couple occassions with me :black_eye:. I think it was him just taking me to that stage, the edge....'you're here now so just do it!' However on solo as with all my most recent flights with FI all went as per normal . God knows why but I really didn't come out of all that feeling like it was deserved. CFI would not have put me up there on my own with hint of a chance I'd end up in casket so perhaps it was nerves. I know i had done better, much better with my FI and indeed solo so suppose just gotta put it behind me and carry on...more theory, more prac, more reading and more reading and more reading. A good nights sleep ready for another fun lesson next week.
PS had an encounter with a Jabiru from Broome. Nice looking aircraft. I should have had an inspection as she was parked in our hangar and I was chatting to the lovely female pilot and her co-pilot. Jabiru....