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Everything posted by jerrajerra

  1. Had read an article in Australian Flying where the reporter interviewed a young lady in that each season she'd head north from Adelaide to conduct tours of lake eyre. 6 months work each year. The company she works for employs any pilot holding a CPL regardless of hours flown but so long as they are enthusiastic and determined to give the tourists a hell of a fun time. She was 24. Most experienced was a retired commercial airliner pilot. Don't recall the company where she works. Maybe best thing is to actually go to these remote locations and say, 'Im here".....well at least that's how it works getting land based jobs in my town!
  2. Would it be the same clips that few have uploaded on youtube with same title? If not, the youtube stuff is excellent as well.
  3. cairns - ncaq.com.au; townsville there are two i believe. But since your location is Port Douglas you would have already checked them out i assume. Also Rocky has an aeroclub
  4. Hi, just read a post of yours. You're residing in Kununurra...great! You guys up there do flight training at all? Chris
  5. Well we can blame John Anderson for all this ASIC, MSIC, cyclone fencing crap. Sure, the terrorists kicked it off but the government will never give back to us what they took away from us.....except the knitting needles. I wonder if they've decided whether an iPad is a laptop or not yet. That probably doesn't matter these days anyway. It'll be the carbon tax that'll kill us.
  6. Was living in Gladstone for 5 months and every 1st morning outbound flight there'd be no security screening. Usual check-in at the counter then be escorted by Qantas to the waiting aircraft. However, on arrival at destination (in my case Brissy), you'd go through security...inbound! Plenty of opportunity to kabooom a plane wouldnt ya reckon. Bizzare.
  7. I find the Tower at Karrtha interesting. Pilots are required to advise their position as there is no equiped radar in operation. Tower operator scans the skies with her/his binos and clears the traffic in and out and through. I suppose that's common around the country, though thought it would make more sense to have it operating similiar to the way how they will do Alice Springs AP.
  8. I wouldn't bother reading the mag if it were an electronic publication. I quiet enjoy picking up the mag and 3 other favourites from the local newsagency and sitting down with a coffee and toasted ham, cheesy sandwich at the cafe. It get's me out the office and I can refer to the mag any time and any where I want. Chris
  9. I purchased my first MS FS V5.1 and upgraded to each new release. I tried xPlane on my Mac using the Mac version and found it to be lacking close realism but the MS FS on either Mac bootcamp or Parralels shone brilliantly. Pitty MS no longer produce the flight sim but thanks to hundreds of dedicated and talented developers we can still enjoy this remarkable simulator. Chris
  10. "...details relating to my aircraft registration marks are kept by the RAAus as 'confidential information' - I'd assume therefore that my details were only to be given out on a need to know basis..." But anybody can find details of the owner/operator/business name/address to any registered VH aircraft. All I do is use the VHF-Ref iphone app. Is the RAAUS registration of non-VH registered aircraft treated differently? And if so, why is that? Thanks, Chris
  11. Hi Shags, Have you commenced your training as yet? I am very interested to hear your story as I myself am contemplating a CPL next year and moving to Nth QLD to do it. Im not so much older than yourself (33 years of age) but CPL at this stage for me would be on the basis of personal accomplishment, greater knowledge of flying and increase confidence as opposed to a job. If the latter eventuated I'd love to fly tourists around this great country of ours. Cheers, Chris
  12. Done Just so bloody typical of these damn complainants
  13. Gday Air Chief Marshall. Am looking at transferring to Darwin early 2012 and was wondering if you had completed or are in training with any service providers in flight training up there ? I could only locate one, Darwin Flying School. If you know of them, what do you think about their PPL and CPL courses? Cheers, Chris
  14. Ex-Customs, now Shipping Agent (branch manager) for Iron Ore, cattle, solar salt, copper and other concentrates.
  15. wow! fantastic. could tell you so much about newman and tom price, phed. never seen aerial shots like that in my backyard. your webpage is now on my favourites tab :)
  16. Dual instruction C172R $300/hr @ YPPD
  17. G'Day, Today was the day . Solo in the circuits. Wind was 340 Magnetic variable, 2 KT. Rwy 36 and 32 used. 1 hr of dual with the CFI followed by a single sircuit solo. Did I walk away happy with my performance? Well, that hour spent with the CFI was the worst of my flying training ever. I didn't forget per se but neglected to take notice of some pretty basic stuff. Not enough right rudder on roll, not enough right rudder on climb, left bank from upwind to cross wind at 70kt as opposed to the 80Kt's that I've always been doing. Flare was ordinary. I think the CFI got a bit peeved off on couple occassions with me :black_eye:. I think it was him just taking me to that stage, the edge....'you're here now so just do it!' However on solo as with all my most recent flights with FI all went as per normal . God knows why but I really didn't come out of all that feeling like it was deserved. CFI would not have put me up there on my own with hint of a chance I'd end up in casket so perhaps it was nerves. I know i had done better, much better with my FI and indeed solo so suppose just gotta put it behind me and carry on...more theory, more prac, more reading and more reading and more reading. A good nights sleep ready for another fun lesson next week. Cheers, Chris PS had an encounter with a Jabiru from Broome. Nice looking aircraft. I should have had an inspection as she was parked in our hangar and I was chatting to the lovely female pilot and her co-pilot. Jabiru....
  18. mmmm, thanks andrew.
  19. In regards to Flight Computers - could anybody recommend which one to purchase? I'm not refering to the electronic versions. There are a few i've tried to read up on online but without knowing what they really do beyond a very basic product description it makes it somewhat difficult to decide. I am thinking of the ASA E6-B Metal, becuase "The best slide-rule-style flight computer on the market...." But is it?? "...ASA's E6-B features a wind component grid and comprehensive crosswind correction chart, and on the other side the slide computes time, speed, distance, altitude, true airspeed, and density altitude problems as well as conversions. Nautical and statute scales are included. Vinyl case and instruction booklet included. 9-3/4" x 5". Yes i could ask my FI tomorrow but be interesting to hear your thoughts as well. Thanks for your help, Chris
  20. Fantastic stuff. The AN2 looks mighty impressive
  21. Thanks Mark for your review. Impossible to pop down to the local store and try a few on as the local store is 970NM away. I've just now ordered a headset based on your anlysis and reviews from couple other guys. Cheers! Chris
  22. ASICs, VICs, supervision etc found in the Aviation Transport Security Regulations: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Series/F2005L00366
  23. Exactly, why? But that's what they put forward to my FI. Thanks your all response, great
  24. Afternoon. Two CASA blokes decided to drop in today to say "hi" to my flying instructor. They walked their way through the office door leading through the hangar and onto airside. There they stood for 10min observing my fliying instructor performing what ever task he was at that point and I conducting a pre flight inspection of the training aircraft. Flying instructor had his ASIC clearly vsible and I did not have mine as it is yet to be issued. Flying Instructor was walking away from the training aircraft, with me still performing the checks, towards the hangar when he was stopped in his path by CASA and was asked as to why he had not challenged them and requested their identification. Both the FI and I were about 15m seperated when he was stopped and questioned. Anyhow, CASA advised my FI that as I had not yet received an ASIC that a visitors pass should have been issued as well as of course him having to be basically holding my hand and not be seperated. I should have been under closer escort. My FI questioned their advice re Visitors Pass but CASA was certain it was a requirement. I have not been able to locate any legislation stating that an individual under escort of an ASIC holder requires a visitors pass. I should think that no such legislation exists. Also why would the FI need to challenge EVERY individual that uses the hangar, accesses airside etc. Are ASIC holders expected to question passenger movements too. They have an ASIC so who cares? Have you heard of such a request before? Chris
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