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Everything posted by jerrajerra

  1. Congratulations . Of interest, may I ask the number of hours you had completed priot to your solo?...well done again.
  2. I received a bundle of CASA goodies yesturday and part of the my selection of free dvd's comprised of flying through cloud. My interpretation from watching that particular instructional DVD was - yep, you're gonna die if you fly through cloud and it'll happen within 178 seconds. It has not deterred me from wanting to obtain a particular rating to enable me to fly within these conditions but just wished that CASA would emphasise more to the point that it's not dangerous if you are rated.
  3. Congratulations to you :rilla:
  4. Yep as Jimmydz stated above, Air Nav. I bought the AirNav Pro and she's got some excellent features. :thumb_up::thumb_up: GPS Tracker and NAVFree GPS :thumb_up:
  5. Hi Mike. Just heard your recorded podcast with PCDU @ Natfly. Great work man!
  6. What joy
  7. basscheffers - Plane Crazy Down Under podcasts are awesome :thumb_up:
  8. wow Wow WOw WOW
  9. Be sure to stop off at my town - Port Hedland , the largest tonnaged port in the country. It's only down the road from Broome ...since you're in the area. Whilst you're there ya might as well pilot an :plane:out to Newman and check out the largest open cut mine where the iron ore is bred and trained 440 km to the coast, PHE.
  10. I understand Bob Tait is going to be doing an online instructional course - virtual classroom, CPL + above.
  11. Hi Chris Kent, wondering how your studies are progressing? I found the BAK content published through ATC overwhelming at first and is beginning to sink in. I found forums like these invaluable and watching a few uploaded youtube clips on circuits and radiotelepony helps a little. I've got a long way to go yet but I think it's getting there.
  12. Congratulations. Tremendous effort
  13. I don't have any quals in this to offer sound advice, but what I have been doing (just started 4 weeks ago), is summarising the chapters in the BAK book using key phrases and words and transcribing those onto a large whiteboard (i study at work / one man branch); reading out aloud each key point; transferring that information onto a pad then proceeding to do the review questions. I've only just completed a couple of chapters but I think this tecjnique works ok with me for now. I hate the aerodynamic component as well but realise that it's so relevant. Currently I'm reading the BAK published by Aviation Theory Centre but tonight I've ordered Bob Taits. Hope I can cross reference and gain a better understanding of this material. Also, I reckon ordering practice exams might assist too. I've ordered couple of them as well.
  14. Heya, Im just interestd to know how the organisation went with your iPad. Any tips or hints you could share? I'm not even up to that stage in my training in carrying out xcountry but it's interesting nonetheless reading peoples thoughts and ideas.
  15. Congratulations to the community members behind this initiative. So rare these days to hear of aerodromes not being bulldozed to make way for greedy development.
  16. My 2nd most memorable would have to of been sitting in the jump seat with Customs Watch out of Broome flying over a few islands and low level flying above a particular private yacht whos deck crew decided to shine us a mooney. But most memorable is so far my very first flying lesson just only a month or so ago.
  17. Just ordered mine tonight, plus a few extra pieces.
  18. Yep I checked that out as well. PPL it is There are a few good youtube uploads from some guys out of Moorabin I've been following. I find it helps along with the textbooks to visualise what goes on and the handling characteristics of the particular aircaft flown. I've found this forum to be very helpful and so informative as well.
  19. Hi all. Just started flying lessons in North West WA. Have wanted to since 1996 (Yr 12) many years back. I'm 32 year old bloke. Finaly doing it! Totaly hooked! Loving it and Living it! I do one lesson (1hr) per week although I am going to push for 2 / week as it will take me so long to get anywhere otherwise. Training in a Cessna 172R. Nice flying machine, all dials and no "glass". I think it's a great way to learn. Up to my 5 th lesson, at circuits. Cant wait to do Nav cross country..Broome/Tom Price/Newman/Parraburdoo etc. Only going to take it to PPL stage with a couple endorsements or ratings thrown in such as night VFR and perhaps twin turbo ($$ might not be an option for a hobby). Cheers,
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