Another way to view it is that we have what the majority of those who got off their behinds and cast their vote, voted for. Until voting in RAA elections becomes compulsory that's how the views of the RAA electorate will be reflected. Whether the results of that election reflect the view of the majority of members won't ever be settled to every ones satisfaction, however, it is the view of the majority of those that voted. That's a simple form of democracy. If you don't like the result, either stand for election or rally enough support to put forward candidates that reflect your views.
There is another embryo organisation being set up that claims it will do better than the RAA. So wouldn't it make sense for those who take the time and effort to point out here the shortcomings of the RAA, if they used some of that time and effort to give some concrete support to the fledgling organisation to help get it up and running?